Learning the Rackspace Intelligence Vocabulary

To tell Rackspace Intelligence which aspects of your configuration to monitor for you, define your objectives in the following terms:

  • Entities to be monitored

    For example, you can define a cloud server as an entity.

  • Checks that focus on a particular aspect of an entity's behavior

    For example, a check can monitor a cloud server's RAM usage.

  • Alarms that define the limits of the entity's behavior

    For example, alarm criteria identify whether RAM usage is in one of the following states: OK, WARNING, or CRITICAL.

  • Alerts that announce when a monitored entity has triggered an alarm

    For example, an alert reports that RAM usage has reached the CRITICAL level.

  • Notification plans that define how to communicate alerts

    For example, a notification plan requests notification of the help desk and the on-call system administrator.

  • Notifications that define the contact information used in notification plans

    For example, the system sends notifications to the on-call system administrator as text messages to a specific telephone number.

  • Visualizations that present data meaningfully

    For example, a RAM usage graph shows growth leading up to the triggered alarm.