Viewing and editing user information for your account
This article provides a closer look at the services available on
the My Profile & Settings, Account Settings, and User Management pages in the Cloud
Control Panel.
My Profile & Settings
Access this page by clicking the user name menu in the top-right corner of the navigation bar. You can also access this page by clicking the user name in the User Management page.
Use the My Profile & Settings page to view your primary contact information, view or edit your security settings, and view your account and product permissions.
Use the Security Settings section to change your password, enable or disable multi-factor authentication, and view your API key.
Account Settings page
Access this page by clicking the Account menu in the top navigation bar. Use the Account Settings page to view your account settings, account details, product preferences, and to view or edit your primary contact information.
In the Rackspace Account Settings section, you must have multi-factor authentication enabled before you can edit the settings. To enable multi-factor authentication, click on your username in the upper-right corner and click My Profile & Settings. Enable multi-factor authentication in the Security Settings section.
In the Primary Contact Information section, you can view or edit your primary contact information, such as name, address, and phone number.
You can cancel your account by clicking Cancel My Account at the bottom of the page.
User Management page
Access this page by clicking the Account menu in the top navigation bar. Use the User Management page to edit user-related information, such
as email addresses and passwords, and to add new users.
To make changes for a user, click the entry under USERNAME. The USER DETAILS page displays. You can edit contact information, security settings, and user permissions.
To add a new user, click Create User. On the Create a User page, enter information for the new user's information and contact type. For more information from the administrator and new user's perspectives, see New user workflow. For information about access controls for new users, see Learn about Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Rackspace Cloud and Rackspace Dedicated. After you have entered all of the information for the new user, click the Create User button at the bottom of the page.
To add an identity provider, click the Identity Federation tab, and then click Add Identity Provider. Enter a description, the email domain, and SAML metadata, and then click Create Identity Provider.
Note: Identity Federation is currently supported for only Rackspace Cloud and Managed Google Cloud Platform customers.
For information about user groups, see Rackspace Cloud user groups.
Updated over 1 year ago