Manage Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) DNS Record

This article explains Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) records and how they can be managed at Rackspace.

What is a CAA record?

Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) records allow domain owners to specify which Certificate Authorities (CAs) are allowed to issue SSL certificates for a domain. If no CAA record is present, any CA is allowed to issue certificates for the domain.

CAA records can set a policy for the entire domain or for specific subdomains. If no CAA record is specified for a particular subdomain, the policy is inherited from the parent domain.

For example, a CAA record set for also applies to unless there is also a CAA record set for

CAA record format

CAA records have four parts:

  1. FQDN: The domain or subdomain on which the policy is being set.
  2. Flag: An integer. Almost always “0”.
  3. Tag: A string indicating the type of CAA record. Common tags are:
      - issue: The CA is allowed to issue SSL certificates.
      - issuewild: The CA is allowed to issue wildcard SSL certificates.
      - iodef: Specifies an URI or URL where the CA can report attempts to obtain certificates that violate the policy. This is optional.
  1. Value: The CA allowed to issue certificates. The special character “;” indicates that certificates may not be issued for the FQDN.

CAA record examples

Allow Let’s Encrypt to issue certificates for CAA 0 issue "”

Allow both Let’s Encrypt and Sectigo to issue certificates for, but only Sectigo is allowed to issue wildcard certificates: CAA 0 issue "" CAA 0 issuewild ""

Allow Let’s Encrypt to issue certificates for Also allow Sectigo to issue certificates, but only for, and report requests that violate that policy to Certificates may not be issued for CAA 0 issue “” CAA 0 issue “" CAA 0 iodef “” CAA 0 issue “;”

How can a CAA record be managed for domains hosted with Rackspace?

Please contact your support team for assistance with CAA records. For new CAA records, please include the following:

  1. Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
  2. Flag
  3. Tag
  4. Value
  5. Time-To-Live (TTL), default is 300 seconds <optional>

Some Useful Links

For assistance contacting support:
For official documentation regarding CAA records: offers a comprehensive explanation and examples of CAA records.