Secure an existing custom control panel site
Custom control panel sites created before September 2017 were deployed to an environment that did not enforce the use of secure web protocols over HTTPS, such as SSL or TLS. To add this additional level of protection to your existing customer control panel site, we recommend that you secure your own control panel site.
- Applies to: Administrators of Reseller Accounts
- Difficulty: Easy
- Time needed: Approximately 5 minutes to create the site and 24 to 48 hours for the DNS changes to propagate
- Tools required: DNS host administrator access
For more information on prerequisite terminology, see Cloud Office support terminology.
Secure a Custom Control Panel Site
To secure your control panel site, perform the following steps:
Log in to the Cloud Office Control Panel.
In the Reseller Tools section of the home page, click the Custom Control Panel link.
On the Custom Control Panel Site page, locate the site that you want to secure. It should have a red “unlocked” icon to the right of the name.
Click Secure Site from the ACTIONS drop-down list.
Warning: You cannot secure a control panel site using a site name that uses the root domains of,, or a domain that is listed on Google Safe Browsing.
On the Secure Certificate Information step, enter or verify the company information for your site. This information is used to register the security certificate that secures your site. If your end users choose to view the certificate from their browser, this information is visible to them. Click SECURE CONTROL PANEL SITE.
Instructions to update the DNS entry for your site with new information appears. Copy these instructions by clicking COPY INSTRUCTIONS before clicking OK, GOT IT.
The DNS for most existing sites is an A record that points to a specific IP address. You need to change the A record type to a CNAME and change the IP address to the host name provided. For example, if your control panel site is going to be, change the host name to cp or The following tables illustrate this change:
Before DNS change:
Record type Host Point-to or address A @ After DNS change:
Record type Host Point-to or address CNAME cp -
If your existing DNS record is already a CNAME, then just update the existing hostname to the new one provided.
Example DNS entry:
Record type Host Point-to or address CNAME cp
Note: For specific instructions on editing your DNS records, contact your DNS host. Find your DNS host here.
The site should now appear as a secured CUSTOM CONTROL PANEL listing. After the DNS change is propagated, a green "locked" icon appears to the right of the name to show that the site is secure.

Updated over 1 year ago