Drain connections to load balanced server

Server draining redirects incoming calls and new connections from a specified server to other servers connected to the same load balancer. You can use draining to minimize service interruption when taking a server offline for maintenance. Sessions started before you put the server into draining status continue until completion. When all sessions have ended, the system considered the server to be drained and you can take it offline. The following steps help ensure minimal service interruption when removing a cloud server from an active load balancer.

  1. Log in to the Cloud Control Panel.
  2. Select Product > Rackspace Cloud> Networking > Load
  3. Click on the load balancer to view its nodes.
  4. Click the gear icon next to the server node.
  5. Select Edit Node Condition.
  6. Select Draining Connections for the server condition and click Save
  7. Monitor the port from within the draining node for continued activity.
    Note: for Linux® servers, check netstat for new connections.
  8. When activity has ceased, you can edit the node's condition
    and select Disabled to prevent the system for routing new traffic to it.