Firewall Manager v2 port-groups
Firewall Manager v2 is a new tool within the MyRackspace Portal. This article describes the port-group feature within this tool.
To learn more about the tool, see Firewall Manager v2.
What is a port-group?
A port-group is a form of an object-group. Object-groups are used to group like items, such as IP addresses, ports, or protocols. Object-groups are commonly used to make the configuration of a firewall's access-list more easily readable and controlled, which assists in support and troubleshooting. For more information about object-groups, see Firewall Manager v2 object-groups.
A port-group is a single configuration item that logically groups ports together. The benefit to using a port-group is that you can reference a port-group in access-list entries that have object-groups as well. This option
is better than the alternative of having to create individual access-list entries for each component of the port-group.
A powerful example of an efficient use of port-groups is a single access-list entry that references an object-group of 100 source IPs, an object-group of 10 destination IPs, and a port-group of five TCP ports. Using the object-group and port-group strategy, your firewall's running configuration requires only one access-list entry. If you did not use object-groups and port-groups, you would need 5,000 access-list entries in the running configuration, individually specifying each unique source IP, destination IP, and TCP port combinations.
Note: Firewall Manager v2 allows you to create port-groups by using only TCP or UDP ports.
Why should I use a port-group?
Port-groups improve the organization and readability of a firewall's running configuration. A running configuration that is easy to read and modify reduces the chances of a misconfiguration and increases the ability to troubleshoot issues quickly.
Port-groups in Firewall Manager v2
In Firewall Manager v2, you can now view, modify, and delete any port-group on your firewall. In the previous version of the Firewall Manager, you were restricted to only modifying port-groups that began with the string FWCP-.
View port-groups
Log in to Firewall Manager v2 by following the steps in the Firewall Manager v2 article.
In the navigation pane on the left side of the panel, click the firewall for which you want to see port-groups.
Under Rules in the navigation pane, click Port-groups.
Scroll through or search the port-group list and click the appropriate port-group. The contents of the port-group are automatically displayed.
Firewall Manager v2 organizes the port-groups in case-sensitive, alphabetical order. Therefore, port-groups named with uppercase letters are displayed before those with lowercase letters. If you can't locate a port-group, search for the port-group by using your browser's search function.
You can also search the contents of a port-group. This feature enables you to quickly determine whether a TCP or UDP port exists within the specified port-group. To use this feature, type a TCP or UDP port number into the search bar that is automatically displayed when you click the group.
Create a port-group
To create a port-group, use the following steps:
Navigate to the Port Groups tab.
Under the Port Groups label, click Add Group.
The Add Group page is displayed.
In the Group Name field, type the name of the port-group.
We recommend that you use a name that directly relates to the access that this port-group will grant. We also recommend that you use all capital letters with dashes separating word groups. For example, if a port-group is used to give access to TCP ports 80 and 443, you might name the port-group TCP-80-443.
By clearly and appropriately naming the port-group, you reduce the risk of misconfiguration in the future, which could mistakenly result in a compromise if undesired access is opened.
In the Protocol field, select one of the following three options: TCP, UDP, or TCP-UDP.
Note: The TCP-UDP option enables you to add both TCP and UDP in one configuration action.
Click Add Port(s) to add the ports to the port-group.
In the text field, type a single port number, or enter a list of port numbers with each unique item on its own line.
Warning: You also have the ability to add a port range by separating two values with a dash (-). This feature adds all port numbers between the two values that you specified around the dash. Misconfiguration here can result in a compromise due to inappropriate ports being opened.
Click Add Port.
Click Save Changes.
Firewall Manager v2 interacts with your firewall and adds the configurations. This process typically takes about one minute, depending on the size of your firewall's configuration.

Modify a port-group
It is important that you understand the impact of modifying an existing port-group. Incorrectly modifying an existing port-group that is already referenced in an access-list has the potential to either create inappropriate network access or to remove critical access.
Navigate to the Port Groups tab.
Scroll through or search the port-group list and click the group that you want to modify.
Click Edit Group.
To add a port entry, click Add Port(s) and add TCP or UDP ports to the port-group. For instructions, see the "Create a port-group" section of this article.
To remove a port entry, click on the minus symbol (-) to the right of the port-group entry.
Click Save Changes.
Firewall Manager v2 interacts with your firewall and adds the configurations. This process typically takes about 30 seconds, depending on the size of your firewall's configuration.

Delete a port-group
Navigate to the Port Groups tab.
Scroll through or search the port-group list and click the port-group that you want to delete.
Click Delete Group to make a request to remove the port-group.
Enter any additional information in the text box, and then click Submit Ticket.
A ticket is submitted on your behalf to manually remove the port-group and delete any configuration items that reference the group, such as access-lists, VPN encryption domains, or even other port-groups. The ticket is automatically forwarded to the appropriate Network Security team, and a team member performs quality checks and confirms with you directly if anything appears to be incorrect.

Updated about 1 year ago