Add a new VPN user in the MyRackspace Portal

Adding new client VPN users is now an automated task within the MyRackspace
Portal. This article describes how to add a new VPN user by using the Support Center.

Create a ticket in the MyRackspace Portal

Step 1. Log in to the MyRackspace Portal by using your
username and password.

Enter the login credentials with Username and Password

Step 2. In the top navigation bar, click Support > Support Center.

Select support center from the top navigation bar

Step 3. Under Common Request, click See All Templates. A list of all Common Request templates will be displayed.

Displays the list of templates

Step 4. From the Common Request menu, select VPN User Management - add, reset, delete VPN user(s) on firewall(s).

Select VPN User Management- add, reset, delete VPN user(s) on firewall(s) from the menu

Step 5. In the Issue Details section you can select one, multiple or all of the following VPN user management options as shown in following image.

Select any one or multiple VPN user on firewall

Step 6. Check the box next to Create new VPN user on firewall.

Select the create new VPN option

Step 7. In the Firewall drop-down field, select the appropriate firewall(s).

Select required firewall from the drop-down list

a. If you need to add the VPN user to all firewalls on the account, ensure
you select all firewalls in this field.

Step 8. Enter your desired VPN username in the VPN Username field.

Enter VPN username

a. The VPN username is case-sensitive and requires at least three characters.

b. Do not include a question mark (?) or space ( ) within the VPN username field.

Step 9. The Generate Random Password box shows as checked by default.

By default Generate Random Password is selected

a. If you want to add a custom password, uncheck the box Generate Random Password. After you uncheck the box, the custom password field displays.

This password must have at least eight characters with uppercase, lowercase,
numbers, and special characters.

Deselect Generate Random Password to generate your password

Step 10. Click Submit at the bottom of the page.

After the ticket generates, you see your ticket list in
the MyRackspace Portal. Automation runs in the background while the ticket
generates, which typically takes less than a minute to complete. After you
refresh your browser, the ticket, Create New VPN User on Firewall Request (from template),
is in Confirm Solved status.

Step 11. Retrieve the password for your new VPN user by opening the ticket. The
password is in the most recent comment.

Open ticket displays the new password


VPN user automation currently does not allow for the following modifications:

  • VPN-filters
  • Group-lock
  • Framed IP addresses

If you need changes included in the list of limitations, open a ticket so that
Rackspace Support can process your request manually.