Export and import email address data by using Outlook
This article describes when you might want to export or import email address
data by using Microsoft® Outlook® and includes links to articles with
instructions for different Outlook versions on both Windows® and macOS®.
- Applies to: User
- Difficulty: Easy
- Time needed: Dependent on amount of data imported or exported
- Tools required: Access to the Outlook account that you want to import
into or export from
For more information about prerequisite terminology, see
Cloud Office support terminology.
Export or import email address data
Some of the scenarios where it is useful to import or export email address data
from your Outlook mail client include:
- Renaming a Rackspace Email address
- Migration to Microsoft Exchange® or Office 365®
- Converting a POP account to IMAP
- Transferring local data to a new device
- Backing up critical data
Regardless of your situation, it is important to back up your email data before
making major changes to your email address. After you verify that you have
properly exported your email address data, you can make needed changes and then
import the data again.
Select your version of Outlook for the following specific instructions for
exporting and importing email address data by using Outlook:
Export email address data
- Export email address data from Outlook 2016 for Windows
- Export email address data from Outlook 2013 for Windows
- Export email address data from Outlook 2016 for Mac OS
Import email address data
Updated over 1 year ago