
Attribute mapping policies enable you to integrate with Rackspace Identity Federation without having to make significant configuration changes to your Identity Provider. An Attribute Mapping Policy provides a declarative means of extracting and transforming information produced by your identity system so that it may seamlessly inter-operate with Rackspace.

Technology background

In order to write attribute mapping policies, you should have a basic understanding of the following technologies:

  • SAML 2.0: SAML is an OASIS Standard for defining XML-encoded assertions about authentication, authorization, and related attributes. This appendix concentrates solely on SAML Responses and Assertions, but you should have a basic understanding of the SAML protocol.
  • XPath 2.0: XPath is a W3C standard expression language for extracting information from structured data and is designed to be embedded in a host language.
  • YAML 1.1: YAML is a simple data serialization language that is designed to be human friendly. YAML is very similar to JSON but allows for useful features such as comments and the ability to easily input multi-line data. Attribute mapping policies are written in YAML.

What is Attribute Mapping?

Your Identity Provider contains information about every user in your organization. For example, it maintains that Jane Doe is a development manager whose username is janed. Jane’s email address is, and as a development manager, she is a member of the engineering, managers, and linux_user groups. Additionally, Jane is managing the widgets_ui project.

When Jane logs into Rackspace, your organization’s identity provider submits to Rackspace a cryptographically signed SAML response that contains (among other things) the attributes previously described. Rackspace (the service provider) needs these attributes in order to grant Jane access to the corresponding Rackspace services.

Attribute mapping allows the extraction and transformation of the attributes in the SAML response so that they can be processed by Rackspace. There are three major reasons why attribute mapping is required:

Attribute name alignment

Rackspace expects that Jane’s email is supplied in an attribute named email, but your organization’s identity provider might by default submit a user’s email in an attribute named mail. This is not an atypical situation because several competing standards exist for attribute names. In this case, the attribute mail must be mapped to the attribute email.

The mapping is simple and is summarized as follows:


Role and group alignment

The groups engineering, managers, and linux_user are entirely meaningless to Rackspace. Rackspace organizes its roles according to the services it provides. For example, the nova:admin role grants administration access to our OpenStack compute service and the ticketing:observer role grants view-only access to Rackspace tickets.

In this case, we want the managers group to map to the ticketing:admin role because any manager should be able to create and edit tickets. We also want to map managers to the billing:observer role because all managers can see invoices. Additionally, we want to map the linux_user group to nova:observer because all linux users should be able to query the Compute API.

The mapping described above are summarized as follows:

managersticketing:admin, billing:observer


Implementation of access policies

The mapping described previously is fairly simple. All users in the managers group will obtain the ticketing:admin and billing:observer roles. Unfortunately, things are often more complicated than this. For example, some managers are actually contractors, and contractors should not be allowed to view invoices. Therefore, these contractors should not receive the billing:observer role. You can tell that a user is a contractor by looking at membership in the contractors group.

Additionally, there are separate Rackspace accounts for each project managed by a manager. A manager involved with the widgets_ui project should have full administrator rights (via the admin role) to account 777654, which is the account associated with that project. The Identity Provider passes an attribute named manager_projects that contains the list of all of the projects managed by a user.

There are two other projects to consider: widgets_moble is associated with account 887655, and widgets_platform which should have admin access to account 779966.

Note: By performing this mapping, you are implementing an access policy that is executed whenever a user logs in. As long as relevant information is provided by the identity provider in a SAML response, you can implement similar policies for your organization.

The preceding mapping rules are summarized as follows:

managersticketing:admin, billing:observer unless the user is also a member of contractors.

manager_projects contains widgets_uiadmin on 777654

manager_projects contains widgets_mobleadmin on 887655

manager_projects contains widgets_platformadmin on 779956

Mapping Policy for

The following attribute mapping policy implements the rules described in the previous section. The rest of this document provides a guide for writing such polices.

  version: RAX-1
  description: |-
    The following is an attribute mapping for
  - local:
     domain: "{D}"
     name: "{D}"
     email: "{At(mail)}"
     roles: "{0}"
     expire: "{D}"
     - multiValue: true
       path: |-
             The following describes the rules for assigning roles to
           for $group in mapping:get-attributes('groups') return
                 If a user is a manager they get ticketing:admin,
                 If they are not a contractor then they also get billing:observer
                 Managers become admin based on the project that they are working
             if ($group = 'managers') then
                   if (not(mapping:get-attributes('groups')='contractors')) then 'billing:observer' else
                   for $project in mapping:get-attributes('manager_projects') return
                      if ($project = 'widgets_ui')       then 'admin/777654' else
                      if ($project = 'widgets_mobile')   then 'admin/887655' else
                      if ($project = 'widgets_platform') then 'admin/779956' else
                  ) else
                If a user is a member of the linux_user group they get the 
                nova:observer role.
             if ($group = 'linux_user') then 'nova:observer' else