Restrict SSH login to a specific IP or host
This article describes how to configure a restricted Secure Shell (SSH) login to a server from a particular IP address or hostname.
To achieve this, use TCP Wrappers because they provide basic traffic filtering of incoming network traffic. Although more complex
on the surface, TCP Wrappers essentially use of two files: /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny.
If the files do not yet exist, you can created. them by using the following command:
sudo touch /etc/hosts.{allow,deny}
Deny all hosts
It is considered best practice to deny all incoming SSH connections. To do that, perform teh following steps:
Open file /etc/hosts.deny by using a text editor:
vi /etc/hosts.deny
Add the following line to deny all incoming SSH connections to the server:
sshd: ALL
Save and close the file.
That’s it. This blocks all SSH access to the host
Allow IP addresses
Now, perform the following steps to configure the IP addresses with authorization to log in by using SSH:
Open the file /etc/hosts.allow file by using a text editor:
vi /etc/hosts.allow
Add an
line to allow the IP address of your choice to connect by using public SSH. For example,
the following line allows network172.168.0.21
Save and close the file.
The TCP Wrapper files accept a comma-separated list of entries, so you can append addresses to the first entry
in this section.
They also accept partial IP addresses as subnets, so you can allow the entire
sshd: 172.168.0.
Or as shown in the following example:
sshd : localhost
sshd : 192.168.0.
sshd :
You can allow or deny based on IP address, subnet, or hostname. List rules in order of most to least specific.
Keep in mind that servers based on Linux® operating systems look first at the hosts.allow file starting
from top to bottom, followed by the hosts.deny file. For example, an SSH connection attempt from an IP address
in hosts.allow is allowed, even though hosts.deny blocks all connections.
With this configuration, any client listed in the hosts.allow file are allowed through SSH and any client not
listed is blocked.
Note: The SSH daemon does not need to be restarted for changes to take effect.
Updated 9 months ago