Pitchfork for Cloud Images

Use the following steps to create, share, delete, list, or update Cloud Images through the API using Pitchfork:

Log in to Pitchfork

Log in to the API tool Pitchfork.

To learn how to log in to and use Pitchfork, see Pitchfork—the Rackspace Cloud API web application.

Using cloud images

  1. After you log in to Pitchfork, click Images.

  2. Navigate to Images API calls and click Details to expand the call.

    Operations: List, add, replace, or remove images.

    Sharing: List, delete, or update image members.

    Tasks: Request to export an image, get details, import, or list a
    specified task.

    Tags: Add or delete a specified tag of a specified image.

    Schema: Get a schema document or JSON schema that represents members or
    single image entities.

  3. Fill in the Parameters and click Send API Call.

When the operation completes, you get a JSON response with the information you requested.

Example of the response body for a List Image request

"images": [
       "com.rackspace__1__options": "0",
       "container_format": "ovf",
       "min_ram": 256,
       "updated_at": "2029-02-20T02:12:29Z",
       "self": "/v2/images/cc45237e-27d1-4592-aa0a-817904b99c70",
       "owner": null,
       "file": "/v2/images/cc45237e-27d1-4592-aa0a-817904b99c70/file",
       "flavor_classes": "*,!onmetal,!onmetal2",
       "vm_mode": "hvm",
       "com.rackspace__1__release_id": "debian_10_pvhvm",
       "com.rackspace__1__build_core": "1",
       "id": "cc45237e-27d1-4592-aa0a-817904b99c70",
       "size": 741591040,
       "os_distro": "debian",
       "com.rackspace__1__release_version": "23",
       "hypervisor_version_requires": ">=6.2",
       "image_type": "base",
       "org.openstack__1__os_version": "10",
       "disk_format": "vhd",
       "com.rackspace__1__platform_target": "PublicCloud",
       "com.rackspace__1__build_managed": "1",
       "org.openstack__1__architecture": "x64",
       "schema": "/v2/schemas/image",
       "status": "active",
       "com.rackspace__1__visible_core": "1",
       "tags": [],
       "com.rackspace__1__ui_default_show": "True",
       "com.rackspace__1__release_build_date": "2021-02-20_01-39-41",
       "visibility": "public",
       "com.rackspace__1__visible_rackconnect": "1",
       "min_disk": 10,
       "org.openstack__1__os_distro": "org.debian",
       "com.rackspace__1__visible_managed": "1",
       "virtual_size": null,
       "name": "Debian 10 (Buster) (PVHVM)",
       "com.rackspace__1__build_rackconnect": "1",
       "checksum": "2deba9ca87f5e90d602edb59ebc96698",
       "created_at": "2021-02-20T01:39:41Z",
       "cache_in_nova": "True",
       "com.rackspace__1__build_config_options": "rack_user_only,base_mgdops_config,mailgun,backup_agent_only,backup_defaults,monitoring_agent_only,monitoring_defaults,updates",
       "protected": true,
       "auto_disk_config": "disabled",
       "os_type": "linux",
       "com.rackspace__1__source": "kickstart"