Rackspace OpenStack Flex Instance Flavors

A breakdown of the flavors available for instances in the Rackspace OpenStack Flex

Last Updated: 1/31/25

Compute Instance Flavors

When creating an instance (VM) in the Rackspace OpenStack Flex, it's important to know you're choosing the right flavor for the job. The table and information provided below will provide all the information available about available flavors.

Naming Conventions

Our flavors follow a simple to understand flow which lets a user better understand what they're getting at a glance.


  • Name: The identifier or name of the flavor, which usually includes information about its resource allocation, such as the amount of RAM, disk space, and the number of vCPUs. It's a unique label for a specific VM configuration.
  • Generation: The generation slot is an integer that starts at 0. Within the Rackspace OpenStack this value is tied to the hardware generation being supported by the flavor itself.
  • RAM (MB): The amount of memory (RAM) allocated to the virtual machine, measured in megabytes (MB). This determines how much data the VM can store in memory for processing tasks.
  • Disk (GB): The size of the disk allocated to the virtual machine, measured in gigabytes (GB). This is typically the storage space available for the operating system, applications, and data.
  • Ephemeral (GB): This refers to the ephemeral disk, a temporary storage space that is often used for temporary data. Measured in gigabytes (GB).The data on an ephemeral disk is lost when the instance is stopped, migrated, or terminated and is not captured in Instance Snapshots.
  • VCPUs: The number of virtual CPUs assigned to the virtual machine. It represents the compute power or processing capacity available to the VM, with each vCPU corresponding to a thread of execution on a physical CPU core.
  • Flavor Type: Indicates the purpose or optimization of the flavor. Common types include:
    • General Purpose: A balanced configuration suitable for most workloads.
      Memory Optimized: Designed with more RAM, ideal for memory-intensive tasks (e.g., databases, big data processing).

Flavors per Region

It's important to note that flavors can vary from datacenter region to datacenter region. Below are some tables with expanded details for each flavor and they are broken down and displayed by region.

Show SJC Flavors
NameRAM (MB)Disk (GB)Ephemeral (GB)VCPUsFlavor Type
gp.0.1.220481001General Purpose
gp.0.2.220484002General Purpose
gp.0.1.440961001General Purpose
gp.0.2.440964002General Purpose
gp.0.4.4409680644General Purpose
gp.0.2.661444002General Purpose
gp.0.2.881924002General Purpose
gp.0.4.8819280644General Purpose
gp.0.4.121228880644General Purpose
mo.0.2.12122888002Memory Optimized
gp.0.4.161638480644General Purpose
gp.0.8.16163841601288General Purpose
mo.0.2.16163848002Memory Optimized
mo.0.4.20204808004Memory Optimized
gp.0.8.24245761601288General Purpose
mo.0.4.24245768004Memory Optimized
gp.0.8.32327681601288General Purpose
mo.0.4.32327688004Memory Optimized
gp.0.16.646553624012816General Purpose
mo.0.8.64655368008Memory Optimized
gp.0.24.969830424012824General Purpose
gp.0.32.12813107224012832General Purpose
gp.0.48.19219660824012848General Purpose

Show DFW Flavors
NameRAM (MB)Disk (GB)Ephemeral (GB)VCPUsFlavor Type
mo.6.2.16163848002Memory Optimized
gp.5.2.661444002General Purpose
gp.5.2.881924002General Purpose
mo.6.4.32327688004Memory Optimized
mo.6.4.20204808004Memory Optimized
gp.5.4.4409680644General Purpose
gp.5.32.12813107224012832General Purpose
gp.5.24.969830424012824General Purpose
mo.6.4.24245768004Memory Optimized
gp.5.48.19219660824012848General Purpose
gp.5.16.646553624012816General Purpose
gp.5.4.161638480644General Purpose
gp.5.2.440964002General Purpose
mo.6.2.12122888002Memory Optimized
gp.5.4.8819280644General Purpose
gp.5.1.440961001General Purpose
gp.5.8.16163841601288General Purpose
gp.5.2.220484002General Purpose
gp.5.8.24245761601288General Purpose
mo.6.8.64655368008Memory Optimized
gp.5.4.121228880644General Purpose
gp.5.1.220481001General Purpose
gp.5.8.32327681601288General Purpose

Additional Documentation:

Flavor Naming