Restoring a VM
Restoring a VM
Log in to Access Rackspace Data Protection.
On the left side of the screen, click Data Protection dropdown and then select Recoveries from the navigation menu.
Select Virtual Machines >> VMs by clicking the blue Recover icon in the top right corner of the screen.
The new Recovery screen displays.
In the search bar, type the name of the VM or VMs that need to be recovered. This search field accepts wildcards and partial names.
The recovery point can be modified by clicking the edit pencil after the VM(s) have been chosen for restoration.
The protection group specific recovery points that are available will be displayed. Click the Select Recovery Point button after selecting your recovery point.
Click the Next: Recover Options button at the bottom left of the screen.
Configuring restore parameters is possible from the following screen.
- By selecting the edit pencil next to Virtual Machines, you can go back to the previous screen and change your selection of the VM(s) and recovery point.
Existing VM Handling:
None – Cohesity will make no changes to the original VM(s). This is the default behavior and the most common option. You can use the Rename option under Recovery options to ensure there are no name conflicts. VM recovery will fail if there is an existing VM with the same name.
Overwrite Existing VM – Choose this option only if the original VMs should be overwritten. Exercise care choosing this option, as the original VM will be deleted.
Keep Existing VM – This option will power down and rename the original VM. This allows the recovered VM to be powered on right away and use the original VM name without creating a conflict.
Recovery Options:
Network – Determines if the NIC will be attached to the recovered VM.
Rename – Add a prefix or suffix to the recovered VM(s) name(s).
Power State – Determines if the recovered VM(s) should be automatically powered on.
Continue on Error – Decides if the job will attempt to continue if errors are encountered.
Cluster Interface – This should remain on Auto Select
Task Name – This is the name of the recovery task.
Click the Recovery button to initiate the recovery.
Progress is monitored from Recovery Screen.
Updated about 1 month ago