Support ticket statuses
After you create a support ticket, it can have one of the following statuses, depending on the work done on it:
- In Progress
- Pending Customer
- Pending Rackspace
- Solved
- Closed
The following process explains how a ticket moves through these
After the Rackspace Support team reviews a ticket, it moves to the In Progress status.
If the Support team needs more information from the customer to fix the issue, the ticket might move to the Pending Customer status.
If the ticket is waiting for an update or release from a vendor, the ticket might move to the Pending Rackspace status.
If the ticket is waiting for a maintenance window and is not being actively worked, the ticket might move to the Pending Rackspace status.
When Rackspace resolves the issue, the status changes to Solved.
After a ticket has a status of Solved, a customer can move the ticket to Closed or reopen it, which changes the status to In Progress.
If a customer does not explicitly close or reopen a ticket with a Solved status, the ticket automatically goes to the Closed status after a set period of time, depending on the nature of the ticket's request.
Updated 18 days ago