Cloud Backup system actions
Previous section: Cloud Backup actions
Warning: The system actions are for users who are familiar with Rackspace Cloud Backup. Users with Managed Cloud Service Level accounts might want to contact their account manager before performing any of the following actions.
This article describes the actions that are available in the Backups section of the Cloud Control Panel.
Use the following steps to navigate to this area:
- Log in to the Cloud Control Panel.
- In the top navigation bar, click Select a Product > Rackspace Cloud.
- Select Backups > Systems.
You can access the Actions menu from the gear widget next to the server name in the system list or from the Actions button on the System details page. This menu is not the one that appears on the Single Backup page.
The Actions menu offers the following actions:
- Create Backup
- Restore Snapshot
- Enable Encryption
- Cleanup
- Disable
- Delete
Create Backup
Clicking Create Backup from the Actions menu is the same as clicking Create Backup from the gear icon on the Cloud Backups Systems page. For complete instructions, see Create a Backup.
Note: You cannot back up or restore a system that is offline. If the system status displays offline
and your server is active, contact support.
Restore Snapshot
Note: You cannot back up or restore a system with an offline status. If the system status displays offline
and your server is active, contact support.
Enable Encryption
You may encrypt your backups with AES-256 encryption. The key or
passphrase you that create is known only to you. If you lose or forget
your passphrase, you cannot recover your backups.
Also, after you turn on encryption, you cannot turn it off. You can
only change your passphrase. This is a security measure. If anyone
gains access to your account, they will not be able to access your
backups without your passphrase.
When you use a passphrase, Rackspace encrypts it locally on your browser using a
JavaScript RSA library before it is submitted over the web.
Rackspace never knows your passphrase. All communication between
your computer and Rackspace servers for Cloud Backup is done over SSL,
which means that no one can intercept and read your messages.
To encrypt your backups, perform the following steps:
- From the Actions menu, select Enable Encryption.
- Enter a passphrase that only you know.
- Enter your passphrase again.
- Click Save Passphrase.
You can confirm that you have enabled encryption by clicking
Enable Encryption from the Actions menu.
On the Backup Encryption page, your server name will have the encrypted flag next to it. Also, your encrypted backups will display "This is an encrypted backup" on the Backup Details page.
You can change your passphrase for encryption by performing the following steps:
- Select Enable Encryption from the Actions menu.
- Enter your current passphrase.
- Enter a new passphrase that only you know.
- Enter your new passphrase again.
- Click Save Passphrase.
The Cleanup option allows you to manually start a cleanup at any time,
even if you have an automatic backup scheduled. A cleanup frees unused
space in your Cloud Files account, where your backups are stored.
If your system is encrypted, confirm your passphrase when prompted. After you enter your passphrase, click the Check button.
When you disable a system, you prevent all future backups from running.
You can re-enable the system at any time and no data is deleted. To
re-enable the system, select Enable from the Actions menu.
The Delete option permanently deletes all backups and any data
associated with this system. A confirmation prompt requires you to
verify that this is your intention.
Next steps: Cloud Backup preferences
Updated over 1 year ago