Work with Notification Suppressions in Rackspace Intelligence
Rackspace Intelligence enables you to temporarily suspend Rackspace Intelligence notifications during scheduled outages or maintenance periods.
You access the Suppressions page by clicking Suppress at the top of the Rackspace Intelligence Control Panel
To create a new suppression, edit an existing suppression, or view a list of active, scheduled, or ended suppressions, click Suppressions.
On the Suppressions page, you can view two types of suppressions:
- Active & scheduled suppressions are relevant now, which might mean that they are actively waiting for a specified time to begin. When a suppression is active, you can see when it started and when it is scheduled to end.
- Ended suppressions were in use previously. Examining the list of ended suppressions can help you understand problems such as lack of awareness of a previous outage.
You can sort the lists of suppressions by their names, status, start time, end time, or duration. Sorting by Start Time or End Time can help you determine which suppressions started together or are scheduled to end together.
To see which entity's notifications are being suppressed (Suppression Targets), click the suppression's name.
To view a list of alarms that have been suppressed, click the Suppressed Alerts link. The Suppressed Alerts log page lists all the alerts that have been suppressed during the past 30 days, with their corresponding metrics, such as status, entities, and suppression time.
Create a Suppression
You can create a suppression in one of the following ways:
Create a Suppression from the Suppressions Overview Page
On the Suppressions overview page, click Create Suppression.
On the Create a Suppression page, type a name for the suppression, and select the appropriate start and end dates.
To add one or more suppression targets, click Add Entities.
Select one or more entities from the list, and then click Add Entities. You can also use the search functionality to search for a specific entity.
Click Create Suppression.
When prompted to confirm that you are ready to create your suppression, click Create Suppression Now.
Rackspace Intelligence creates the suppression, and it goes into effect immediately. Details about your new suppression are available on the suppression details page.
Create a Suppression from within an Entity
To create a suppression from within an entity, open the Entity Details page by clicking Monitor > Entities and then clicking the name of the entity.
Scroll to the Suppressions section of the Entity Details page, and then click Create Suppression.
Rackspace Intelligence has automatically selected all the alarms that are associated with this entity.
Set the start and end dates and, optionally, add additional entities.
Click Create Suppression.
After you have confirmed that you want to create the suppression, Rackspace Intelligence creates the suppression, and it goes into effect immediately.
Edit a Suppression
You can edit an existing suppression by using the Actions menu on the Suppression Details page.
You can perform the following editing actions for suppressions:
Edit the Time Frame of a Suppression
From the Actions menu on the Suppression Details page, select Edit Timeframe.
Update the start date, end date, or both, and then click Update Timeframe.
If your suppression has already started, you cannot update the start date.
Alternatively, you can end the suppression immediately by clicking End Suppression Now.
Confirm that you want to end the suppression by clicking End Now.
If you end a suppression, you cannot restart it.
Delete a Suppression
From the Actions menu on the Suppression Details page, select Delete Suppression.
Click Delete to permanently delete the suppression.
Updated over 1 year ago