Use Task States with Server Imaging

The OpenStack Server Extended Status Extension has exposed some new task states that provide more fine-grained visibility into the server state during the image-create (or "snapshot") process. This article describes what they are and suggests how you can make use of them.

Before the OpenStack Grizzly release, when you requested a create image action on a server, the server would go into a special task state of image_snapshot, and it would stay in this task state until the image was completed. This single task state hid the fact that there are three distinct phases to a snapshot operation:

  1. The hypervisor creates an image of the server's virtual hard disk.
  2. The hypervisor packages the image and prepares it for upload to the image store.
  3. The hypervisor uploads the packaged image to the image store.

During phase 1, you should avoid any operations that would modify data on the server's virtual hard disk. Otherwise, the recorded snapshot might include inconsistencies from which certain application programs on your server, primarily databases, might not be able to recover when you boot from the image.

In both phases 2 and 3, the hypervisor works on your server's behalf but doesn't do anything with your virtual hard disk. By far, the third phase, in which the upload occurs, takes the longest to complete.

The OpenStack Grizzly release modified the semantics of the image_snapshot task state slightly and added two new task states. So now, your server goes through the following task states while processing an image create action:

  1. image_snapshot: the hypervisor creates an image of the server's virtual hard disk
  2. image_pending_upload: the hypervisor packages the image and prepares it for upload
  3. image_uploading: the hypervisor uploads the image to the image store

While your server is any of these task states, you can't issue another create image action on that server. As you can see from the task state descriptions, the hypervisor is involved in all three phases of the image create action, so all the extra bookkeeping resources the hypervisor has allocated to your server are in use. You have to wait until the entire snapshot process completes and releases these resources before you can create another snapshot.

After the first phase is completed, you no longer have to worry that operations on your server might interfere with the effectiveness of your snapshot. Unfortunately, the Control Panel does not expose server task states. However, you can check them by using the API or python-novaclient.

Use the API to check the server task state

The task states appear in the following server detail operation response:

GET /v2/servers/{serverId}

Here's an abbreviated JSON server detail response:

    "server": {
        "OS-EXT-STS:power_state": 1,
        "OS-EXT-STS:task_state": "image_pending_upload",
        "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state": "active",
        /* ... */
        "id": "c2d5da0a-80d7-4ca7-872c-505410ab55d0",
        /* ... */
        "name": "check-my-task-state",
        "progress": 100,
        "status": "ACTIVE",

Look for the OS-EXT-STS:task_state element. Because a JSON object is unordered, it might appear anywhere in the
response. From the value displayed in this example, you can see that the hypervisor finished creating the image of the server's virtual hard disk and is now packaging and preparing the image for upload.

Use python-novaclient to check the server task state

python-novaclient is a handy program that you can run from the command line. If you haven't used it before, here are some How-To articles to check out:

These articles provide an overview of python-novaclient and complete instructions for installing it on your operating system.

To see the task state for a server by using python-novaclient, do a show operation on the server:

$ nova show {serverId}

Here's an abbreviated response:

| Property               | Value                                 |
| status                 | ACTIVE                                |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state  | None                                  |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state    | active                                |
| id                     | 933e803f-13b0-4698-a5c7-f74ec424fd38  |
| name                   | check-my-task-state                   |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig      | MANUAL                                |
| progress               | 100                                   |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 1                                     |
| metadata               | {}                                    |

In this example, you can see that there's no task state for the server, so it could accept an image-create request.

Poll to check the server task state

You might want to discover the current server task state before performing one of the following tasks:

  1. Stop activities on the server that would affect the quality of the disk image, such as stopping a database
    management system.
  2. Issue an server image-create command by using the API, novaclient, or Control Panel.
  3. Monitor the server to see when it exits the image_snapshot task state.
  4. Restart the activities stopped before you took the snapshot, such as bringing your database management system
    back up.

You can write a simple Bash script to monitor your server. Here's a sample of the most relevant part, but feel free to expand on it. Do read through and make sure you know what it's doing before using it. It uses four programs (curl, egrep, sed, and date) that are installed by default on most Linux® systems.
This fragment is pretty primitive, so you have to use control-C to stop the script.

# set these vars
# the API endpoint, e.g., ""
# your API username, e.g., "fredco"
# your API auth token, obtained from the Identity service
# the UUID of the server you want to monitor
# how long to pause in between requests, in seconds
# a temporary file, e.g., "/tmp/polling.json"

# verify that the server exists
API_RESP_CODE=$(curl -X GET <br>
 -k -s <br>
 -H "X-Auth-User: $API_USER" <br>
 -H "X-Auth-Token: $API_AUTH_TOKEN" <br>
 -H "Accept: application/json" <br>
 -w "%{http_code}" <br>
 -o $DETAIL_FIL <br>
if [ "$API_RESP_CODE" != "200" ] ; then
  echo "[error] can't find server $API_SERVER"
  exit 1

while [ 0 ] ; do
   API_RESP_CODE=$(curl -s -k -X GET <br>
    -H "X-Auth-User: $API_USER" <br>
    -H "X-Auth-Token: $API_AUTH_TOKEN" <br>
    -H "Accept: application/json" <br>
    -w "%{http_code}" <br>
    -o $DETAIL_FIL <br>
  if [ "$API_RESP_CODE" == "404" ] ; then
    echo "[info] server $API_SERVER has disappeared!"
  RAW_STAT=$(egrep -o '"status": (".*?"|null)' $DETAIL_FIL | sed 's/"//g')
  VM_STAT=$(egrep -o '"OS-EXT-STS:vm_state": (".*?"|null)' $DETAIL_FIL | sed 's/OS-EXT-STS://;s/"//g')
  TASK_STAT=$(egrep -o '"OS-EXT-STS:task_state": (".*?"|null)' $DETAIL_FIL | sed 's/OS-EXT-STS://;s/"//g')
  POW_STAT=$(egrep -o '"OS-EXT-STS:power_state": (\d|null)' $DETAIL_FIL | sed 's/OS-EXT-STS://;s/"//g')
  TIME=$(date +"%H:%M:%S")
  sleep ${SLEEP_TIME:-45}

If you start a script that contains the preceding fragment and then take a server snapshot, you see something similar to the following example:

17:14:41   status: ACTIVE   vm_state: active   task_state: null   power_state: 1
17:14:44   status: ACTIVE   vm_state: active   task_state: null   power_state: 1
17:14:48   status: ACTIVE   vm_state: active   task_state: image_snapshot   power_state: 1
17:14:51   status: ACTIVE   vm_state: active   task_state: image_pending_upload   power_state: 1
17:14:55   status: ACTIVE   vm_state: active   task_state: image_pending_upload   power_state: 1
17:14:58   status: ACTIVE   vm_state: active   task_state: image_pending_upload   power_state: 1
17:15:02   status: ACTIVE   vm_state: active   task_state: image_pending_upload   power_state: 1
17:15:05   status: ACTIVE   vm_state: active   task_state: image_uploading   power_state: 1
17:15:09   status: ACTIVE   vm_state: active   task_state: image_uploading   power_state: 1
17:16:19   status: ACTIVE   vm_state: active   task_state: image_uploading   power_state: 1
17:16:23   status: ACTIVE   vm_state: active   task_state: image_uploading   power_state: 1
17:16:26   status: ACTIVE   vm_state: active   task_state: null   power_state: 1
17:16:30   status: ACTIVE   vm_state: active   task_state: null   power_state: 1