Rackspace account invoice
Your monthly Rackspace account invoice includes account and billing
information, payment information, tax information, and summaries of your
services, promotions, and discounts. This article provides a detailed
description of the pages in your PDF or CSV invoice.
Note: For an explanation of a detailed invoice that shows an itemized,
per-service, per-device overview of your billing charges, see Billing services overview.
Account and billing information
The first page of your PDF invoice provides a detailed overview of your
account and billing information.
Account summary
The bottom portion of the first page of your invoice includes the
following information:
- Invoice Number: The transaction number associated with the invoice.
- Invoice Date: The date the invoice was generated.
- Currency: The monetary currency in which your account is invoiced.
- Invoice Amount Due: The total amount due for your current invoice
charges. This amount does not include any past due balance. - Payment Terms: The time range within which payment should
be received, in days. - Due Date: The date that the payment is due.
- Remit Section (if applicable): The section to detach and send with your
Service summary
The second page of your invoice provides a summary of all support charges,
product charges, and other charges. This page is organized in the following
- Service: The support, product, or other charges applied to your
current bill. - Gross Charge: The total charge before promotions and discounts.
- Promotion & Discount: The promotions and discounts associated
with a product charge. - Net Charge: The pretax amount for a product charge. This amount is the
difference between the Gross Charge and the Promotion & Discount for
a product charge. - Taxes: The tax amount applied. Taxes are calculated based
on the Net Charge. - Total Charges: The sum of the Net Charge and the Taxes for a
While most of the service summary items are self-explanatory, two services
warrant additional description:
- Cloud Servers: This field includes all of the Cloud Servers flavor
classes, such as OnMetal. - Cloud Bandwidth: This field includes both Public and CDN Bandwidth.
Other services
The third page of your invoice includes other charges accrued during the
billing period.
- Service: The support, product, or other charges applied to your
current bill, including a descriptive name for the product or charge. - Gross Charge: The total charge before promotions and discounts.
- Promotion & Discount: The promotions and discounts associated
with a product charge. - Net Charge: The pretax amount for a product charge. This amount is the
difference between the Gross Charge and the Promotion & Discount for
a product charge. - Taxes: The tax amount applied. Taxes are calculated based
on the Net Charge. - Total Charges: The sum of the Net Charge and the Taxes for a
product. - Total Current Invoice Charges: The total for all of the accumulative
charges applied to the invoice.
Promotion and discount summary
The fourth page of your invoice provides a summary of the promotions and
discounts for the billing period.
- Category and Description: The names and descriptions of the
promotions and discounts that are applied to your bill. - Net Discount: The total amount that is deducted from your bill due
to promotions and discounts.
Tax summary
The fifth page of your invoice contains a Tax Summary section that
explains the taxes that are applied to your bill in detail.
If you are assessed a Goods and Services Tax (GST), you will also see the
aggregate product charges. These charges are broken down into taxable (T) and non-taxable charges for the billing period.
Invoice details document (CSV)
Invoice detail documents in CSV format provide detailed information on daily usage that occurred during the billing cycle. Each row contains a daily usage item and an associated charge. Each row also enables you to view summaries of charges across the entire billing cycle in the following three views:
- Resource: To view a summary for a specific resource, create a PivotTable
on the RES_ID column. - Service: To view a summary for a specific service, create a PivotTable
on the SERVICE_TYPE column. - Data center: To view a summary for a specific data center, create a
PivotTable on the DC_ID column.
CSV file field descriptions
Invoices in CSV format have the following columns:
- ACCOUNT_NO: The customer account number.
- PARENT_ACCOUNT_NO: The paying account, when the account is in a
hierarchy. - PURCHASE_ORDER: The purchase order that is associated with the invoice.
- BILL_NO: The invoice number.
- BILL_START_DATE: The start date for the billing cycle.
- BILL_END_DATE: The end date for the billing cycle.
- SERVICE_TYPE: The service or product name. (Rows dealing with taxes
display the value ACCOUNT in this field.) - EVENT_TYPE: The sub-type for each service or product.
- EVENT_START_DATE: The start date and time of the usage or activity.
- EVENT_END_DATE: The end date and time of the usage or activity.
- IMPACT_TYPE: Indicates if the event is a CHARGE, DISCOUNT,
Local Sales Tax, or State Tax. - QUANTITY: The total quantity of the event measurement.
- UOM: The unit of measure for the quantity and event measurement.
- RATE: The rate that is applied to this event.
- CURRENCY: The monetary currency in which charges are billed.
- AMOUNT: The charge that is applied, based on the RATE and the
QUANTITY. - USAGE_RECORD_ID: A unique, system-generated ID for the event and charge.
- DC_ID: The data center that is associated with the usage or activity.
- REGION_ID: The geographical region that is associated with the usage or
activity. - RES_ID: A unique resource ID.
- RES_NAME: The customer-provided resource name.
- ATTRIBUTE 1: An attribute of the resource. For Cloud Servers, this
value is the Flavor Name. - ATTRIBUTE 2: An attribute of the resource. For Cloud Servers, this
value is the Option Name.
Updated over 1 year ago