Install licensing services to Cloud Servers for Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2 to prevent a licensing error
This article shows you how to install licensing services for Cloud Servers for Microsoft® Windows® 2008 and Windows 2008 R2 to prevent a licensing error that keeps you from accessing your Cloud Server by using a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC).
By default, Rackspace Cloud Servers come with an RDC license that allows two concurrent users to access your server. If you need more than two users to be able to access the Cloud Server at the same time, you need to purchase and install a Terminal Services license. You may have already installed a trial version of the Terminal Services license, and the grace period has recently expired, causing the recent appearance of licensing errors.
Note: In Microsoft Windows 2008, this feature is named Terminal Services. In Windows 2008 R2, this feature is named Remote Desktop Services (RDS).
Remove Terminal Services on Windows 2008 or RDS on Windows 2008 R2
Complete the following steps to remove the default RDS or Terminal Services role from your Windows server:
- Open Server Manager and click Roles in the left side of the Server Manager window.
- Click Remove Roles on the right side of the Server Manager window.
- Locate and deselect Terminal Services for Windows 2008 or Remote Desktop Services for Windows 2008 R2, click Next, then click Remove.
Install licensing for Terminal Services for Windows 2008 or RDS on Windows 2008 R2
Complete the following steps to install licensing on Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2:
- Open Server Manager and click Roles in the left side of the Server Manager window.
- Click Add Roles on the right side of the Server Manager window.
- Place a check in the box next to Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services for Windows 2008), click Next, and click Next again.
- In the Role Services window, select Remote Desktop Licensing (Terminal Server Licensing for Windows 2008), and click Next.
- In the Configure Discovery Scope window, select the discovery option that best fits your environment. In most situations, accept the default configuration and click Next.
- Click Install to install the Remote Desktop Licensing (Terminal Services Licensing for Windows 2008) role service.
- After the installation is complete, exit the wizard.
- Click the Start Menu, and select Administrative Tools > Remote Desktop Services (or Terminal Services) > Remote Desktop Licensing Manager (or Terminal Services Licensing Manager).
- On the Remote Desktop Licensing Manager (Terminal Services Licensing Manager for Windows 2008) window, right-click the server name and select Activate.
- Click Next and choose an Activation method. In most situations use the Automatic connection method.
- Complete the information in the fields provided and click Next.
- Complete the next set of fields and click Next.
- After the server activates against a Microsoft licensing server, click Next twice, and then click Next again to launch the Install Licenses Wizard.
- Choose the License Program through which you purchased your licenses and click Next. In most situations select a License Pak.
- Enter the product code for your Terminal Services license, click Add, and then click Next.
- Click Finish to exit out of the wizard.
Your server is now ready to function as a Terminal Services licensing server.
Updated over 1 year ago