Mounting Cloud Files with Cloudfuse

Mount Cloud Files with Cloudfuse

This article shows you how to install and use Cloudfuse®, a tool to access Rackspace Cloud Files on CentOS® and the
Ubuntu® operating system. Cloud Files is a storage service to provide a safe, secure, automatically-resizing, and
and network-accessible way to store data.


  1. Download the source code,, and unzip.

  2. Use the following command to install any dependencies:

    CentOS: $ yum install gcc make fuse-devel curl-devel libxml2-devel openssl-devel json-c-devel json-c json_simple json_diff
    Ubuntu: $ apt-get install build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev libfuse-dev libjson-c-dev


To compile and install the application, go to the folder where you unzipped it and run the following commands:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Run the following command to install fuse to use this application. (Note: It might have been installed as a dependency.)

$ sudo yum install fuse

After you run the preceding commands, Cloudfuse is installed and ready to launch. However, you need to configure it.

Configure Cloudfuse

To configure Cloudfuse, create the file ~/.cloudfuse:

  • username=[Account username for authentication, required]
  • api_key=[API key for authentication with Rackspace]
  • tenant=[Tenant name for authentication with Openstack]
  • password=[Authentication password with Openstack]
  • authurl=[Authentication URL, defaults to the Rackspace cloud]
  • region=[Regional endpoint to use]
  • use_snet=[True to use Rackspace ServiceNet for connections]
  • cache_timeout=[Seconds for directory caching, default 600]
  • verify_ssl=[False to disable SSL cert verification]

For authenticating with the Rackspace cloud, set at least the username and api_key.

For authenticating with Keystone, define username, password, tenant, and authurl.

You can also specify these settings as mount options by using the following command:

cloudfuse -o username=redbo,api_key=713aa... mountpoint/

Or as mount options in /etc/fstab:

cloudfuse /mnt/cloudfiles fuse username=redbo,api_key=713aa...,user 0 0

It also inherits several command-line arguments and mount options from the Fuse framework. The -h argument should provide a summary.

Next steps

Now you can upload files to Rackspace Cloud Files.

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