Troubleshoot a downed Windows cloud server

If the website on your server is not loading, you can’t log in to your server,
or you receive connection-related alerts for your server, your server is down.

If you are a Managed Infrastructure customer, you can use the following
troubleshooting steps to diagnose whether you can solve the issue or should
escalate the issue to Rackspace support. This article also specifies helpful
information to include when you create a support ticket in order to expedite
Rackspace’s response.

Check Rackspace system status

Before diagnosing a downed Linux cloud server yourself, visit the
Rackspace System Status page
and check for open issues that might be impacting the service.

Check support tickets

Check your open support tickets for information about any incidents that might
be affecting the service. To check your open support tickets, log in to the
Cloud Control Panel and click Tickets > Ticket List
in the top navigation bar.

Check the console of the downed cloud server

Use the following steps the check the downed server's console:

  1. Connect to your cloud server and check the console. For steps on how to
    connect to the cloud server, see Connect to a cloud server.

    • If you are able to successfully connect using the Remote Desktop
      application, such as terminal or powershell, then skip to step 4.

    • If you cannot connect using a command line application, use the Emergency
      console in the Cloud Control Panel.
      Directions for finding the emergency console are found in steps 2 - 6.

  2. Log in to the Cloud Control Panel.

  3. In the top navigation bar, click Select a Product > Rackspace Cloud.

  4. Select Servers > Cloud Servers.

  5. Find the downed server in question and click the gear icon to the left of its name.

  6. Select Emergency Console. This starts a browser based command line application.

  7. Test the responsiveness of your server by clicking into the command line and pressing Enter.

  • If you see a response, the server is responsive. Skip to the Ping/Nmap IP Address section.

  • If the console is not responding or displays errors such as being out of
    system resources, go to the Attempt Reboot section.

Attempt Reboot

If your server is not responding through the command line, a hard reboot might
make the server responsive again.

  1. Return to the server list in the Cloud Control Panel and click the gear icon
    next to the downed server’s name. From the drop-down, select Reboot Server.

  2. Review the message on the screen. After you're reviewed the message, click Reboot Server.

  3. Repeat the steps in the Check the console section.

    • If the server is responsive, move on to the Ping/Nmap IP Address troubleshooting step.

    • If the console is still not responsive, check for either the status page
      or any open support tickets about an incident that impacts the server in
      question. If you can't find any information regarding the status of your
      server, create a support ticket. Give a brief description of the
      troubleshooting steps you performed to expedite response time.

Ping/Nmap IP Address

  1. From your cloud server's Details page, go to the Networks and Security
    section and then copy the Public IPv4 address.

  2. In the PowerShell window, enter ping <ipv4-address>. Take note if a response
    is received or not.

  3. In the PowerShell window, run the command nmap -sV -Pn followed by the
    copied IP address.

    Note: The nmap state can be misleading. closed means that the port is
    open but the service is not running. filtered means that the port is closed
    in the firewall. open means that the port is open and the service is running
    on the instance.

If these commands return a response, then the server is healthy and the issues
are at the operating system level. If the account is a Managed Infrastructure
account, Rackspace support will not be able to diagnose the problem further. If
the account is on the Managed Operations service level, create a support ticket
and provide the troubleshooting that has been completed.

If your server is not returning responses for any of the commands in the previous
troubleshooting steps, open a support ticket and include all of the steps that you
have attempted to expedite the issue.