Use the Linux grep Command

This article explains how to start using the grep command in Linux®.

What is grep?

You use the grep command within a Linux or Unix-based system to perform text searches for a defined criteria of words or strings. grep stands for Globally search for a Regular Expression and Print it out.

grep syntax

The following example shows the basic command structure:

grep 'string' filename(s)

This command searches for and returns any lines of text that contain the given criteria string in filename(s).


You can add any of the following options individually or in combination to refine your search:

  • -i: Prints lines with matching criteria while ignores casing (Upper/Lowecase).
  • -l: Prints filenames only.
  • -n: Prints lines with matching criteria and line numbers.
  • -c: Prints count of lines with matching criteria.
  • -v: Prints lines not matching criteria (inverse search).
  • -w: Prints whole word matches.
  • -A n: Prints n lines after matches.
  • -B n: Prints n lines before matches.
  • -C n: Prints n lines before and after matches.

Sample grep commands with output

Example: file "example.txt" contains the following 5 lines:

hello world
Hello World
Hello Worlds
Hello Moon
321 Goodnight

Basic command: Find and print an exact match for "world"

[root@test ~]# grep world example.txt
hello world

Use "-i" to ignore case

[root@test ~]# grep -i world example.txt
hello world
Hello World
Hello Worlds

Use "-n" to find and print matches and include line numbers.

[root@test ~]# grep -n Hello example.txt
2:Hello World
3:Hello Worlds
4:Hello Moon

Use "-c" to find and print the number of line matches.

[root@test ~]# grep -c hello example.txt

Use a combination of "-c" and "-i" to refine the search.

[root@test ~]# grep -ci hello example.txt

Use "-v" to find and print all inverse (non-matching) lines.

[root@test ~]# grep -v world example.txt
Hello World
Hello Worlds
Hello Moon
321 Goodnight

Use a combination of "-v" and "-i" to refine the search.

[root@test ~]# grep -vi world example.txt
Hello Moon
321 Goodnight

Use "-w" to find and print whole word matches.

[root@test ~]# grep -w World example.txt
Hello World

Use "-A n" to find and print the matches along with "n" lines after the match.

[root@test ~]# grep -A 2 Worlds example.txt
Hello Worlds
Hello Moon
321 Goodnight

Use "-B n" to find and print the matches along with "n" lines before the match.

[root@test ~]# grep -B 2 Goodnight  example.txt
Hello Worlds
Hello Moon
321 Goodnight

Use "CA n" to find and print the match along with "n" lines before and after the match.

[root@test ~]# grep -C 2 Worlds  example.txt
hello world
Hello World
Hello Worlds
Hello Moon
321 Goodnight