
Views contain a combination of data that usually includes multiple, different objects. The primary purpose of a view is to save API calls and make data retrieval more efficient. Instead of doing multiple API calls and then combining the result yourself, you can perform a single API call against the view endpoint.

Use the following views API operations to manage alarm views.

Get overview

GET /views/overview

Returns a view that contains summary information about the entities on your account.

The overview lists the entities on your account and the child check and alarm objects for each entity. The view also includes the latest computed state for each check and alarm pair. If the latest state for a check and alarm pair is not available, the alarm hasn’t been evaluated yet and the current state for pair is ‘UNKNOWN’.


In a request, you can filter for returned entities by uri or entityId, but you cannot use both filter types in the same request. When filtering by entityId, an HTTP 404 error is returned if any supplied entityIds are unknown or incorrect. When filtering requests by entity uri, unknown URIs are ignored, and entities are returned for any correct URIs. An HTTP 404 error is returned only if no known URIs are supplied.


In a request, you can also filter the overview and latest_alarm_states views by one or multiple agentIds.

The following table shows the possible response codes for this operation:

Response CodeNameDescription
200OKThe request completed.
400Bad requestThe system received an invalid value in a request.
401UnauthorizedThe system received a request from a user that is not authenticated.
403ForbiddenThe system received a request that the user is not authorized to make.
404Not FoundThe URL, entity, or account requested is not found in the system.
500Internal Server ErrorAn unexpected condition was encountered.
503Service UnavailableThe system is experiencing heavy load or another system failure.


The following table shows the header parameters for the request:

X-Auth-TokenString (Required)A valid authentication token with administrative access. For details, see Get your credentials

The following table shows the URI parameters for the request:

{uri}String (Required)The entity’s URI.
{entityId}String (Required)The ID for the entity. Use the List entities operation to find the entityId if you don’t know it.


This operation does not accept a request body.


Example Get overview view: JSON response

"values": [
"entity": {
"id": "enBBBBIPV4",
"label": "entity b v4",
"ip_addresses": {
"default": ""
"metadata": null
"checks": [
"id": "chFour",
"label": "ch a",
"type": "remote.http",
"details": {
"url": "",
"method": "GET"
"monitoring_zones_poll": [
"timeout": 30,
"period": 60,
"target_alias": "default",
"target_hostname": "",
"target_resolver": "",
"disabled": false
"alarms": [
"id": "alThree",
"check_id": "chFour",
"criteria": "if (metric[\"size\"] >= 200) { return new AlarmStatus(CRITICAL); }",
"notification_plan_id": "npOne"
"latest_alarm_states": [
"timestamp": 1321898988,
"entity_id": "enBBBBIPV4",
"alarm_id": "alThree",
"check_id": "chFour",
"status": "everything is ok",
"state": "OK",
"previous_state": "WARNING",
"analyzed_by_monitoring_zone_id": null
"entity": {
"id": "enCCCCIPV4",
"label": "entity c v4",
"ip_addresses": {
"default": ""
"metadata": null
"checks": [],
"alarms": [],
"latest_alarm_states": []
"entity": {
"id": "enAAAAIPV4",
"label": "entity a",
"ip_addresses": {
"default": ""
"metadata": null
"checks": [
"id": "chOne",
"label": "ch a",
"type": "remote.http",
"details": {
"url": "",
"method": "GET"
"monitoring_zones_poll": [
"timeout": 30,
"period": 60,
"target_alias": "default",
"target_hostname": "",
"target_resolver": "",
"disabled": false
"id": "chThree",
"label": "ch a",
"type": "remote.http",
"details": {
"url": "",
"method": "GET"
"monitoring_zones_poll": [
"timeout": 30,
"period": 60,
"target_alias": "default",
"target_hostname": "",
"target_resolver": "",
"disabled": false
"id": "chTwo",
"label": "ch a",
"type": "remote.http",
"details": {
"url": "",
"method": "GET"
"monitoring_zones_poll": [
"timeout": 30,
"period": 60,
"target_alias": "default",
"target_hostname": "",
"target_resolver": "",
"disabled": false
"alarms": [
"id": "alOne",
"label": "Alarm 1",
"check_id": "chOne",
"criteria": "if (metric[\"duration\"] >= 2) { return new AlarmStatus(OK); } return new AlarmStatus(CRITICAL);",
"notification_plan_id": "npOne"
"id": "alTwo",
"label": "Alarm 2",
"check_id": "chOne",
"criteria": "if (metric[\"size\"] >= 200) { return CRITICAL } return OK",
"notification_plan_id": "npOne"
"latest_alarm_states": [
"timestamp": 1321898988,
"entity_id": "enAAAAIPV4",
"alarm_id": "alOne",
"check_id": "chOne",
"status": "matched return statement on line 7",
"state": "WARNING",
"previous_state": "OK",
"analyzed_by_monitoring_zone_id": null
"timestamp": 1321898988,
"entity_id": "enAAAAIPV4",
"alarm_id": "alOne",
"check_id": "chTwo",
"state": "CRITICAL",
"analyzed_by_monitoring_zone_id": null
"metadata": {
"count": 3,
"limit": 50,
"marker": null,
"next_marker": null,
"next_href": null

Get alarms view by notification plan

GET /views/alarmsByNp/{notificationPlanId}

Returns the alarms using a given notification plan ID.


Note that this call is made with a lower consistency than other calls, meaning that because we trade strong consistency for speed, the values returned may not be the most up-to-date.

The following table shows the possible response codes for this operation:

Response CodeNameDescription
200OKThe request completed.
400Bad requestThe system received an invalid value in a request.
401UnauthorizedThe system received a request from a user that is not authenticated.
403ForbiddenThe system received a request that the user is not authorized to make.
404Not FoundThe URL, entity, or account requested is not found in the system.
500Internal Server ErrorAn unexpected condition was encountered.
503Service UnavailableThe system is experiencing heavy load or another system failure.


The following table shows the URI parameters for the request:

X-Auth-TokenString (Required)A valid authentication token with administrative access. For details, see Retrieving an authentication token <[](\- devguide/content/general-api-info- authentication.html#Authenticate- d1e171>__ This call requires a notificationPlanId as a parameter.


This operation does not accept a request body.


Example Get alarms view by notification plan: JSON response

"values": [
"id": "alAAAA",
"check_id": "chAAAA",
"entity_id": "enAAAA",
"notification_plan_id": "npAAAA",
"criteria": "if (metric[\"duration\"] >= 2) { return new AlarmStatus(OK); } return new AlarmStatus(CRITICAL);"
"metadata": {
"count": 1,
"limit": 50,
"marker": null,
"next_marker": null,
"next_href": null