Use the following currency API operation to retrieve information about supported currencies.
GET /v2/currencies
Gets information on supported monetary currencies.
This operation retrieves a list of supported monetary currencies.
The request has the following URI and header parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
X-Auth-Token | Header string (Required) | A valid authentication token. |
Content-type | Header string | Value: application/json . |
Accept | Header string | Value: application/json . |
{limit} | String | The maximum number of items to return. This value should be 100 or less. The default value is 100 . |
{marker} | String | The starting point for the return data. This parameter is used to control pagination. |
This operation does not accept a request body.
Example request: header
The following example shows the header information.
X-Auth-Token: f064c46a782c444cb4ba4b6434288f7c
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
The response has the following body parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
currencies | Object | An info block that contains details about supported currencies. |
currencies.currency | Array | An info block that contains details about currencies. |
currencies.currency.code | String | USD : United States DollarGBP : British Pound SterlingAUD : Australian DollarEUR : Euro |
currencies.currency.description | String | The description of the currency. |
currencies.currency.symbol | String | The symbol for the currency. |
currencies.currency.subDivision | String | The subdivision of the currency. | | String | An info block that contains details about the links for the results. | | String | The URL for a set of results. | | String | The relationship between the current information and the linked information. |
Example response
The following example shows the response for the request.
Status Code: 200 OK
Content-Length: 4543
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:13:30 GMT
Server: Jetty(8.0.y.z-SNAPSHOT)
Via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/2.12)
x-compute-request-id: req-7b7ffed2-9b1f-46a8-a478-315518d35387
"currencies": {
"currency": [
"code": "USD",
"description": "US Dollar",
"symbol": "\\u0024",
"subDivision": "cents"
"code": "GBP",
"description": "Pound Sterling",
"symbol": "\\u00A3",
"subDivision": "pence"
"code": "AUD",
"description": "Australian Dollar",
"symbol": "\\u0041\\u0024",
"subDivision": "cents"
"code": "EUR",
"description": "Euro",
"symbol": "\\u20AC",
"subDivision": "cents"
"code": "HKD",
"description": "Hong Kong Dollar",
"symbol": "\\u0048\\u004B\\u0024",
"subDivision": "cents"
"code": "CNY",
"description": "Renminbi",
"symbol": "\\u00A5",
"subDivision": "jiao"
"code": "RUB",
"description": "Russian Ruble",
"symbol": "\\u20BD",
"subDivision": "kopecs"
"code": "SGD",
"description": "Singapore Dollar",
"symbol": "\\u0053\\u0024",
"subDivision": "cents"
"link": []
Response codes
This operation can have the following response codes.
Code | Name | Description |
200 | Success | The request succeeded. |
400 | Error | A general error has occurred. |
404 | Not Found | The requested resource is not found. |
405 | Method Not Allowed | The method received in the request line is known by the origin server but is not supported by the target resource. |
406 | Not Acceptable | The value in the Accept header is not supported. |
500 | API Fault | The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. |