
To reduce the load on the service, list operations return a maximum of 25 entries at a time. However, you can use the limit parameter in the GET request to allow up to 1,000 entries per page. Specifying the number of entries to return is referred to as pagination. If a request supplies no limit or one that exceeds the configured default limit, the default value is used instead.

Pagination provides the ability to limit the size of the returned data and retrieve a specified subset of a large data set. Pagination has the following key concepts: limit and marker.

  • Limit is the restriction on the maximum number of items for that type that can be returned.
  • Marker is the ID of the last item in the previous list returned. For example, a query could request the next 10 instances after the instance 1234 as follows: ?limit=10&marker=1234. Items are displayed sorted by ID.

If the content returned by a request is paginated, the response includes a structured link with the basic structure
{"href": "<url>", "rel": "next"}. Any response that is truncated by pagination will have a next link, which points to the next item in the collection. If there are no more items, no next link is returned.