We welcome feedback, comments, and bug reports. Email mailto:infodev@rackspace.com with your comments, suggestions, and feedback.
The Rackspace Cloud website offers information about Rackspace Cloud products, links to official Rackspace support channels, including How-To articles, forums, phone, chat, and email. You can also follow Rackspace on Twitter to get product updates and announcements.
- To get started using the Identity API, see Getting Started.
- Visit the Rackspace How To page to learn how to use Rackspace services from the Rackspace Cloud Control Panel.
- Read the Rackspace API Documentation to learn about APIs for other Rackspace services.
- Find developer-focused articles and information on the Rackspace Developer site.
- Review the OpenStack Keystone documentation to learn about the reference architecture for the Rackspace Cloud Identity service implementation.