Subdomains operations

Use the Subdomains operation to view information about the subdomains for a specified domain.

List subdomains

GET /v1.0/{account}/domains/{domainId}/subdomains

Lists domains that are subdomains of the specified domain.

This call provides a list of all DNS domains that are subdomains for a specified domain. The resulting list is flat, and does not break the domains down hierarchically by subdomain.


By default, returns a maximum of 100 items at a time if no limit is specified. To navigate the collection returned, the parameters limit and offset can be set in the URI (for example: limit=10 & offset=0 ). Refer to Paginated collections.

This table shows the possible response codes for this operation:

Response CodeNameDescription
200SuccessRequest succeeded.
400Bad RequestThe request is missing one or more elements, or the values of some elements are invalid.
400 500dnsFaultThe DNS service has experienced a fault.
401UnauthorizedYou are not authorized to complete this operation. This error can occur if the request is submitted with an invalid authentication token.
404Not FoundThe requested item was not found.
413Over LimitThe number of items returned is above the allowed limit.
503Service UnavailableThe service is not available.


This table shows the header parameters for the request:

X-Auth-TokenStringArbitrary character string generated by the authentication service in response to valid credentials.

This table shows the URI parameters for the request:

{account}StringThe tenant ID.
{domainId}StringID for the domain.

This operation does not accept a request body.

Example List subdomains: XML request

Accept: application/xml  
X-Auth-Token: ea85e6ac-baff-4a6c-bf43-848020ea3812  
Content-Type: application/xml  
Content-Length: 0

Example List subdomains: JSON request

Accept: application/json  
X-Auth-Token: ea85e6ac-baff-4a6c-bf43-848020ea3812  
Content-Type: application/json  
Content-Length: 0


Example List subdomains: XML response

Status: 200 OK  
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 21:54:21 GMT  
X-API-VERSION: 1.0.17  
Content-Type: application/xml  
Content-Length: 1038
    <comment>1st sample subdomain</comment>
    <comment>2nd sample subdomain</comment>
    <comment>Final sample subdomain</comment>

Example List subdomains: JSON response

Status: 200 OK  
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 21:54:21 GMT  
X-API-VERSION: 1.0.17  
Content-Type: application/json  
Content-Length: 966

  "domains" : [ {  
    "name" : "",  
    "id" : "2725257",  
    "comment" : "1st sample subdomain",  
    "updated" : "2011-06-23T03:09:34.000+0000",  
    "emailAddress" : "",  
    "created" : "2011-06-23T03:09:33.000+0000"  
  }, {  
    "name" : "",  
    "id" : "2725258",  
    "comment" : "1st sample subdomain",  
    "updated" : "2011-06-23T03:52:55.000+0000",  
    "emailAddress" : "",  
    "created" : "2011-06-23T03:52:55.000+0000"  
  }, {  
    "name" : "",  
    "id" : "2725260",  
    "updated" : "2011-06-23T03:53:10.000+0000",  
    "emailAddress" : "",  
    "created" : "2011-06-23T03:53:09.000+0000"  
  }, {  
    "name" : "",  
    "id" : "2725261",  
    "comment" : "Final sample subdomain",  
    "updated" : "2011-06-23T03:53:14.000+0000",  
    "emailAddress" : "",  
    "created" : "2011-06-23T03:53:14.000+0000"  
  } ],  
  "totalEntries" : 4  