During the onboarding process, a user granted the cloudfeeds:observer
role is needed to consume events from the Ticketing feed. If you do not have this role already, authenticate as this user and retrieve your API Key from either the my.rackspace.com or mycloud.rackspace.com portal.
For more information about credentials, see Get your credentials
For authentication instructions, see Authenticate to Rackspace
Consuming events
The following feeds are available. The demo feed is for development purposes and the production feed is for the consumption of live, production events. Integrate with the appropriate endpoint.
Demo: https://lon.feeds.api.rackspacecloud.com/consolidated_ticketing/events/<accountID>
Production: https://ord.feeds.api.rackspacecloud.com/consolidated_ticketing/events/<accountID>
Account IDs are formatted in the following way:
- Dedicated Hosting -
- Managed Cloud -
(no prefix) - Managed AWS -
- Managed MGCP -
Requesting events
For more information about interacting with the Cloud Feed API, see Sending API requests to Cloud Feeds.
The following sections describe the contents of the events to help map documented elements to records within your system.
The following request retrieves the events for the specified account ID:
GET https://lon.feeds.api.rackspacecloud.com/consolidated_ticketing/events/
The feed is consumed from the last event to the first. The most relevant information is in the product
In addition to the categories within the category list, the term type
describes the type of the event:
Available events are contained within the entry
list in the response body. Each entry has common attributes.
After you have consumed a page of results, save the ID marker (feed.entry[0].id
) of the last event consumed. To fetch the next page of events, add the marker
query parameter, as shown in the following request:
GET https://lon.feeds.api.rackspacecloud.com/consolidated_ticketing/events/?marker=
The next page returned skips over the marker
provided within the query parameter and gives you all of the events that have occurred after it. Consume this page again, last to first.
Response parameters
These are the most relevant response parameters of an event.
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | The unique ID (UUID) of the event updated and published the timestamp of when the event was pushed to the feed. |
category | List | Terms that provide additional information about the events. |
category (TID) | String | The account ID for the event, also known as tenant ID. Example: {"term": "tid:123456789"} . |
category (RID) | String | The resource associated with the event, in this case, our ticket ID. Example: {"term": "rid:180717-iad-0000000"} . |
category (Type) | String | The event type. The feed has the following event types: type:consolidatedticketing.create.ticket.create.hybrid type:consolidatedticketing.update.ticket.update.hybrid type:consolidatedticketing.create.ticket.create.cloud type:consolidatedticketing.update.ticket.update.cloud Example: {"term": "type:consolidatedticketing.update.ticket.update.cloud"} |
content.event.eventTime | String | Time the event was published to the feed. Note: this is not the time of last update as publishing delays could result in a timestamp later than when the actual event occurred. |
content.event.resourceID | String | The resource associated with the event, in this case, our ticket ID. |
content.event.tenantID | String | tenantID more commonly known as your account ID. |
content.event.type | String | The type of event. Available event types are CREATE , if a new ticket was created, and UPDATE if an existing record was updated. This typically occurs during ticket status changes or comments being added to the ticket. |
content.event.product | Object | Provides a snapshot of the record when the event occurred, this is described in additional detail below. |
event.product.accountID | String | Account ID associated with this event. |
event.product.lastUpdated | String | Date and time the ticket was last modified either through status change or comment additions. |
event.product.resources | List | Devices associated with the ticket. These are provided in a format consistent with our Resource API. |
event.product.subject | Subject | Subject originally provided at creation time. |
event.product.status | String | The new status of the ticket. Available statuses are Pending Rackspace , Pending Customer , Solved , Closed , Archived , Unavailable . Note: Not all events publish a status. |
event.product.ticketId | String | The ticket ID impacted by this event. |
event.product.classification | String | Classification of the ticket |
event.product.comment | String/Object | This are either a blank string (“”) if no comment occurred within the event or an object if the event was triggered by a new comment. |
comment.author | String | The creator of this comment, can either be a Racker or a user within your organization. |
comment.authorType | String | The type of user who created the request. Available types are Rackspace or Customer . |
comment.created | String | Timestamp of comment creation. |
comment.id | String | Unique ID of the comment. |
comment.text | String | The text of the comment. Note: At this time, the length of the comment is limited to 10240 characters. |
comment.attachments | List | URLs of the attachments associated with the comment. These are provided in a format consistent with our ConsolidatedTicketing API. |
Response example
"feed": {
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom",
"link": [ ... ],
"entry": [
"category": [
"term": "tid:123456789"
"term": "rid:180717-iad-0000000"
"term": "type:consolidatedticketing.update.ticket.update.cloud"
"link": [
"href": "https://atom.staging.ord1.us.ci.rackspace.net/consolidated_ticketing/events/entries/123456789/entries/urn:uuid:08e647dc-6f68-47ad-ae7f-81c2f827b9ef",
"rel": "self"
"title": {
"type": "text",
"@text": "ConsolidatedTicketing"
"content": {
"event": {
"@type": "http://docs.rackspace.com/event/consolidatedticketing/ticket/update",
"dataCenter": "iad",
"eventTime": "2018-07-27T03:47:06.446363Z",
"id": "bb3a9766-914f-11e8-961c-0050561a0171",
"region": "iad",
"resourceId": "180717-iad-0000000",
"tenantId": "123456789",
"type": "UPDATE",
"version": "1",
"AtType": "http://docs.rackspace.com/event/consolidatedticketing/ticket/update",
"product": {
"@type": "http://docs.rackspace.com/event/consolidatedticketing/ticket/update",
"accountId": "123456789",
"lastUpdated": "2018-07-27T03:47:06.297537Z",
"resourceType": "TICKET",
"resources": "",
"serviceCode": "ConsolidatedTicketing",
"subject": "Request for Information",
"ticketId": "180717-iad-0000000",
"version": "1",
"AtType": "http://docs.rackspace.com/event/consolidatedticketing/ticket/update",
"comment": {
"author": "Racker",
"authorType": "Rackspace",
"created": "2018-07-27T03:47:06.297537Z",
"id": "180727-iad-0000000",
"text": "We are researching a solution now."
"id": "urn:uuid:08e647dc-6f68-47ad-ae7f-81c2f827b9ef",
"updated": "2018-07-27T03:47:07.622Z",
"published": "2018-07-27T03:47:07.622Z"
"id": "urn:uuid:ad01455d-0ec1-4f32-a74c-7682ad24359b",
"title": {
"type": "text",
"@text": "consolidated_ticketing/events"
"updated": "2018-07-27T03:47:23.104Z"