Update virtual IP information (dlbv3)

Use this operation to update information for a virtual IP configured for the specified device ID.

If you don’t know the ID for a specified virtual IP, use the retrieve virtual IPs configuration operation to find it.

PUT /{device_id}/vips/{vip_id}

Request body

The account number, port_name, description, and comment parameters are optional.

You can find persistence in the algorithm section, and it is an enabled or disabled field.

port is an alias for port_number.

  "account_number": "<Account Number>",
  "label": req"<Label>",
  "description": "<description>",
  "ip": "<ip>",
  "protocol": "<protocol>",
  "port": "<port>",
  "algorithm": {
                    "name": "<name>",
  "nodes": [],
  "admin_state": "<enabled|disabled>",
  "comment": "comment"

PUT Virtual IPs information 202 response

The request has been accepted for processing.

    "status": 202,
    "timestamp": "2020-10-30 11:23:24.125076",
    "@type": "Event",
    "message": "Processing",
    "@ref": "{tenant-id}}/loadbalancers/{device-id}}/events/{event-id(str)}",
    "id": "event-id(str)"