Query Limits

Query limits

This section describes the query limits operations for Rackspace Metrics.

Retrieve limits

GET /limits

Retrieves the number of API transactions that are available for the specified tenant.

This table shows the possible response codes for this operation:

Response CodeNameDescription
200SuccessThis status code is returned when the number of available API transactions has been successfully retrieved for the tenant.
500Internal Server ErrorThe system encountered an unexpected condition
503Service unavailableThe system is experiencing heavy load or another system failure.


Example Get limits: JSON request

-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN"


Example Get limits: JSON response

"limits": {
"rate": [
"uri": "/version/tenantId/*",
"regex": "/v[0-9.]+/((hybrid:)?[0-9]+)/.+",
"limit": [
"verb": "ALL",
"value": 1000,
"remaining": 999,
"unit": "MINUTE",
"next-available": "2014-12-11T16:01:31.128Z"