Using Cloud Feeds

To use Cloud Feeds you need to have a basic understanding of REST APIs.
This section describes how to use the Cloud Feeds REST API to perform
basic API operations.



This section assumes that you are using token-based authentication and that you have successfully authenticated against the Rackspace Cloud API and obtained an authentication token as described in token authentication.

Please make sure to record the token because you need it to complete the exercises in this chapter. For information on how to make API calls using basic authentication, see Authenticating by using basic authentication.

Reading a feed

To retrieve an Atom feed or an Atom entry that was posted, submit a GET request by using the following syntax:

curl -H "X-Auth-Token: authenticationToken" -X GET https://endpointURL/feedName/events/tenantID

The placeholders are defined in the following table.

Syntax elements

authenticationTokenSpecifies the token that you obtain during authentication.
endpointURLSpecifies the URL/VIP that was obtained from the list of Cloud Feeds endpoints.
feedNameSpecifies the name of the feeds for which you are trying to fetch events. Examples of a feed names are: nova, servers, queues, files.
tenantIDSpecifies the tenantID for the given tenant.

Cloud Feeds cURLrequest

curl -H "X-Auth-Token: authenticationToken" -X GET

This request returns 25 of the latest events in the nova feed from the DFW data center. To make the formatting of the returned events more readable, you can submit the following request:

curl -H "X-Auth-Token: authenticationToken" -X GET | xmllint --format -



Control and illegal characters must be escaped in the URL.

Navigating through feeds

A successful response to a GET request to obtain a feed returns links that help you navigate to the Atom entries in the feed. The following links are returned in the Cloud Feeds responses:

  • Use the current link node to go to the current feed.
  • Use the last links to go to the last page of Atom entries in the database for the specified feed. Using the last link can be useful for finding the first Atom for a given feed. Note that Cloud Feeds uses a mock last link marker. This helps move some of the heavier queries off the feed head call.
  • Use the self link to bring back the entry that you are currently viewing. If the feeds are being hit with no options, any new Atom entries have been entered, then those entries also appear.
  • Use the next link to navigate by page to the next page of Atom entries. When you get to the end of the feed, this link is no longer present.
  • Use the previous link to navigate by page to the previous page of Atom entries. Sometimes the link is in the feed header; however, the link is not be in the feed header if the feed is empty. If you are at the top of the feed and you follow this link, an empty feed is returned unless new entries have occurred since you last polled. In a feed, the entries are shown in order from newest to oldest.

The following diagram shows how pagination works with Cloud Feeds:



When viewed in a web browser or web tool such as Chrome Poster, each & character in a link returns as an HTML ampersand character code. To follow the link in a web browser or web tool such as Poster, you must change each HTML ampersand character '(& amp;)' to &. For example, when viewed in a web browser, the feed returns the following link.

<link href="> marker=urn:uuid:676f3860-447c-40a3-8f61-9791819cc82f&amp;limit=25&amp;search=&amp;direction=forward" rel="previous" />

To follow the link from a web browser, you must change each instance of & amp to &, as follows:> search=&direction=forward

This issue should not be a concern when you are using an XML Parser.

Cloud Feeds query parameters

You can use query parameters to customize the entries and their order within a feed. Query parameters are part of the URL that is passed to the server as part of an API request. When you add query parameters to an API request, you modify the results in specific ways, such as refining your query or sorting the output.

A typical URL that contains a query parameter looks like the following URL:


The query string is composed of one or more field value pairs that use the following format:

  • Within each field value pair, the field name and value are separated by an equals sign (=).

  • Pairs in series are separated by ampersand (&), as shown in the following example:


The following table summarizes the query parameters you can specify for Cloud Feeds.

Query parameters

Query parameterDescriptionAcceptable values
markerSpecifies a UUI that exists in the Cloud Feeds system.Must be a valid UUI that exists in the Cloud Feeds system, for example rn:uuid:cd42141b-c030-6fca-6704-82 85789a274b. This parameter can also be set to last. If this parameter is set to last, Cloud Feed locates a page that contains the oldest entry in the feed.
directionSpecifies the direction from which to return entries, starting from the current marker or entry.Can be either forward or backward.
limitSpecifies the number of entries to be returned. If the entered limit is greater than the actual number of entries, the actual number of entries is used.Must be an integer from 1 to 1000.
searchAllows filtering of a a specified category.See Filtering by categories .
startingAtAllows filtering for a number of entries that start at a specified time stamp.Must be in ISO 8601 Date and Time format, and must contain a time zone, for example: 2014-03-10T06:00:00.000Z. For more information, see ISO 8601 Date and Time format.



The startingAt parameter cannot be used together with the marker parameter. If the startingAt parameter is used without a direction parameter, then forward direction is assumed.

Filtering entries by using the marker parameter

You can use the marker parameter to denote an entry that you have previously used. If you specify a marker in the GET request, you can also specify a value for the direction parameter. If you do not specify a value for the direction parameter, the default value of forward is used.

The following example shows a marker parameter specified and the direction parameter set to forward: 

The following example shows a marker parameter specified and the direction parameter set to backward:

You can use the limit parameter to specify the number of entries to return. By default the limit is set to 25. The minimum limit is 1 and the maximum limit is 1,000.

The following example shows the marker parameter specified and the limit parameter set to 50, paging forward.

The following example shows a marker set and the limit set to 50, paging backward.

Filtering by categories

You can use a GET request to filter for certain types of events you want to obtain from a feed by defining a specific search category. You specify the search categories by adding search as the URL parameter at the end of the feeds URL and then specifying the category or item for which you want to search. The following example shows how to get all event types that fall under the category:

curl -H "X-Auth-Token: authenticationToken" -X GET

Advanced filtering by using AND, OR, and NOT

Cloud Feeds supports advanced filters by using the AND, OR, and NOT operators and their combinations.

The following example shows how to filter for multiple categories by using an AND statement:

  Filtering for multiple categories by using an AND statement

The following example shows how to filter for multiple categories by using an OR statement:

  Filtering for multiple categories by using an OR statement

The following example shows how to filter for a category that is entered as not CAT1 by using a NOT statement:

  Filtering for a single category using a NOT statement 

You can also use the AND, OR, and NOT operators to filter for multiple categories combined.

The following example shows how to search for a category that is entered as CAT1 and ( CAT2 or CAT3 ) but not CAT4:

  Filtering for multiple categories using an AND statement 

Filtering by time stamp

You can use the startingAt query parameter to filter for feed entries that start at a certain time stamp. The parameter takes an ISO 8601 Date and Time format and must contain a timezone, such as such as 2014-03-10T06:00:00.000Z.

The following URL shows how to fetch entries with a time stamp that is newer than 2014-03-10 00:00:00.000 UTC:

The following URL shows how to fetch entries with a time stamp that older than 2014-03-10 00:00:00.000 UTC by setting the direction parameter to backward:



The startingAt parameter can not be used together with the marker parameter.

If the startingAt parameter is used without a direction parameter, then the forward direction is assumed. If you want to fetch feeds from a time period before the time specified in the time stamp, you need to use the direction parameter and then the backward description, like the following: direction set to backward.

Support for weak ETags

Cloud Feeds supports weak entity tags (ETags). An ETag identifies a specific feed version. When the content of the feed changes, a different ETag is assigned. ETags provide an efficient way of checking whether a previously processed feed has changed. Weak ETags are sent back in the HTTP header with a name of ETag.

Following is an example of weak ETag for a feed that contains more than one Atom entry:


ETags are not returned in the following situations:

  • The feed is empty.
  • You use the marker parameter, specify the direction as forward, and
    no entries exist after that marker.

Best practices for consumers

The following list describes a number of best practices consumers can adhere to when reading a feed.

Walk the feed forward

When reading a feed you get the best performance if you start from the last entry that was successfully read and then walk the feed forward, towards the head of the feed. Use the following format, substituting the values for <endpoint>, <feed>, and <uuid_of_last_read_entry>.


Read in batches of 1000 using the limit query parameter

The fewer calls to Cloud Feeds, the less processing has to be done. Cloud Feeds allows you to read up to 1000 entries at a time using the
limit query parameter. Use the following format (along with the recommended direction parameter), substituting the values for <endpoint>, <feed>, and <uuid_of_last_read_entry>.


Use compression when issuing requests to remote data centers.

Having Cloud Feeds compress its message body can decrease response time, especially when you interact with an endpoint in a remote data center. By adding the following header to your request, you are instructing Cloud Feeds to compress the output. Your HTTP client uncompresses the output before you read the message body:

``Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate`` 

Use high-performance categories when using the search query parameter.

When filtering a feed with the search query parameter, two category types provide better performance than others, especially for cases when the searched-for category is rare in the feed.

Category prefixes

Category prefixDescriptionExample
tid:Specifies the tenant ID, taken from the tenantid attribute from the event node.tid:12882
type:Specifies the event