Query Views

Query views

This section describes the query view operations for Rackspace Metrics.

Get data for metrics

GET /views/{metric_name}

Retrieves data for a single metric for a specific tenant.

For a list of supported query parameters that can be used to filter metrics data, see query parameters.

This table shows the possible response codes for this operation:

Response CodeNameDescription
200SuccessThis status code is returned when the metrics have been successfully retrieved for the tenant.
401UnauthorizedThe request header has an invalid authentication token.
415Unsupported Media TypeThe Accept request header contains media type that is unsupported. Supported media type: application/json
500Internal Server ErrorThe system encountered an unexpected condition.
503Service unavailableThe system is experiencing heavy load or another system failure.


This table shows the URI parameters for the request:

{metric_name}String (Required)This parameter specifies the name of the metric to be retrieved.

Example Get data for metrics: JSON request

curl -K "https://global.metrics.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/tenantId/views/example.metric.one?from=1376509892611&to=1376509892613&points=200"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN"


Example Get data for metrics: JSON response

"unit": "unknown",
"values": [
"numPoints": 1,
"average": 66
"sum": 66,
"timestamp": 1376509892612,
"metadata": {
"limit": null,
"next_href": null,
"count": 1,
"marker": null


The attribute sum represents the sum of all data point values in the given range. This attribute was released for numeric metrics on July 5, 2016. All numeric metrics data submitted before that date will have a sum value of 0. All numeric metrics data submitted after that date will have an accurate sum value. A query which spans July 5, 2016 will have a sum value which only represents data submitted after July 5, 2016.

Query for a set of metrics

GET /views/metrics/search

Retrieves a list of available metrics.

For a list of supported query parameters that can be used to filter metrics data, see query parameters.

This table shows the possible response codes for this operation:

Response CodeNameDescription
200SuccessThis status code is returned when the metric names have been successfully retrieved.
401UnauthorizedThe request header has an invalid authentication token.
415Unsupported Media TypeThe Accept request header contains media type that is unsupported. Supported media type: application/json
500Internal Server ErrorThe system encountered an unexpected condition.
503Service unavailableThe system is experiencing heavy load or another system failure.


Example Query for a set of metrics: JSON request

curl -k "https://global.metrics.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/tenantId/metrics/search?query=rackspace.monitoring.entities..byte"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN"


Example Query for a set of metrics: JSON response


Retrieve an aggregated set of metrics

GET /views

You can retrieve pre-aggregated counter metrics by submitting a GET request against the https://global.metrics.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/tenantId/views/metrics_name URI and adding a question mark (?) after the endpoint, as well as a query syntax that includes the from= and to= parameters, which specify a time span (using time stamps), as well as the points= parameter, which specifies the number of points to list in the result. In addition, you can add a select query parameter at the end of the URI, and then add a quantifier, such as =sum, or =max to retrieve the desired amount aggregated.

For a list of supported query parameters that can be used to filter metrics data, see Using query parameters.

The maximum number of metrics that can be retrieved is set to 100 by default.

This table shows the possible response codes for this operation:

Response CodeNameDescription
200SuccessThis status code is returned when the metric names have been successfully retrieved.
401Unauthor izedThe request header has an invalid authentication token.
415Unsupport ed MediaThe Accept request header header contains media type that is unsupported. Supported media type: application/json
500Internal Server ErrorThe system encountered an unexpected condition.
503Service unavaila bleThe system is experiencing heavy load or another system failure.


This table shows the URI parameters for the request:

{project_id}StringThe project ID for the user. If you do not set the X- Project-Id header in the request, use project_id in the URI. For example: GET https://global.cdn.api.rackspacecloud.com/v1.0/{project_id}

This table shows the query parameters for the request:

markerString (Optional)Specifies the service_id that represents the last service listed.
limitInteger (Optional)Specifies the number of resources to list. The maximum value that you can specify for limit is 20.

This operation does not accept a request body.

Example Retrieve an aggregated set of metrics metrics using the select parameter: JSON request

curl -K "https://global.metrics.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/5405533/views/metric_name?from=1433435826000&to=1433781426000&points=20&select=sum"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN"


Example Retrieve an aggregated set of counter metrics using the select parameter: JSON response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 185

"unit": "unknown",
"values": [
"timestamp": 1433606400000,
"sum": 32
"metadata": {
"limit": null,
"next_href": null,
"count": 1,
"marker": null

Retrieve an annotation

GET /events/

Retrieves an annotation.

You can retrieve annotation data by submitting a GET request against the https://global.metrics.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/tenant-Id/events/getEvents URI and adding a question mark (?) after the endpoint, as well as a query syntax that includes the from= and until= parameters, which specify a time span (using time stamps).

For a list of supported query parameters that can be used to filter metrics data, see query parameters.

This table shows the possible response codes for this operation:

Response CodeNameDescription
200SuccessThis status code is returned when the metric names have been successfully retrieved.
401UnauthorizedThe request header has an invalid authentication token.
415Unsupported Media TypeThe Accept request header contains media type that is unsupported. Supported media type: application/json
500Internal Server ErrorThe system encountered an unexpected condition.
503Service unavailableThe system is experiencing heavy load or another system failure.


Example Retrieve an annotation by using the from= and until= query parameters: JSON request

curl -i 'http://global.metrics.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/737305/events/getEvents?from=1452105863000&until=1452105883000'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Accept: application/json'
-H 'X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN'


Example Retrieve an annotation by using the from= and until= query parameters: JSON response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 114

"what":"app03 deployment",
"data":"deploying prod"

Get data for a list of metrics

POST /views

You can retrieve data for a list of metrics by submitting a POST request against the https://global.metrics.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/tenantId/views URI and adding a question mark (?) after the endpoint, as well as a query syntax that includes the from= and to= parameters, which specify a time span (using time stamps), as well as the points= parameter, which specifies the number of points to list in the result.

The maximum number of metrics that can be retrieved is set to 100 by default.

This table shows the possible response codes for this operation:

Response CodeNameDescription
200SuccessThis status code is returned when the data for the specified list of metrics has been successfully retrieved.
401UnauthorizedThe request header has an invalid authentication token.
415Unsupported Media TypeThe Content-Type request header contains media type that is unsupported. Supported media type: application/json
500Internal Server ErrorThe system encountered an unexpected condition.
503Service unavailableThe system is experiencing heavy load or another system failure.


Example Get data for a list of metrics: JSON request

curl -s https://global.metrics.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/tenantId/views?from=1413337468000&to=1413397348000&points=200
-d '
-H 'X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Accept: application/json'


Example Get data for a list of metrics: JSON response

"metrics": [
"unit": "seconds",
"metric": "rackspace.monitoring.entities.enk7owuM6b.checks.remote.ping.chEZPLuOxp.mzdfw.average",
"data": [],
"type": "number"
"unit": "percent",
"metric": "rackspace.monitoring.entities.enk7owuM6b.checks.remote.ping.chEZPLuOxp.mzdfw.available",
"data": [],
"type": "number"