Secret questions

Secret questions and answers

Use the the following Secret questions and answers resource operations to add and manage confidential information on an account that Rackspace Support can use for account verification.



Secret question and answer has been deprecated. However, these operations are still listed as a reference for legacy customers. This functionality has been replaced by the Support PIN.



Some of the functionality described in this section is provided by the OS-KSADM and RAX-KSQA extensions to the core Identity API.

Add a secret question

POST /v2.0/users/{userId}/RAX-AUTH/secretqas

Creates a secret question that can be added to user accounts.

The Identity service provides a list of security questions that can be used to verify account access. Administrators and users can add one of these questions to a user account with a unique answer that can be used to confirm identity before granting access to the account or account information. Users can only add a security question to their own account.

If the account already has a secret question and answer, this operation replaces the existing information with the values specified in the request body.

This table shows the possible response codes for this operation:

Response CodeNameDescription
200The request succeeded.
400Bad RequestThe request is missing one or more elements, or the values of some elements are invalid.
401UnauthorizedYou are not authorized to complete this operation. This error can occur if the request is submitted with an invalid authentication token.
403ForbiddenThe request was valid, but the server is refusing to respond because you do not have permission to access the requested resource. Submit a request to your account administrator to determine how to gain access.
405Invalid MethodThe method specified in the request is not valid for the resource identified in the request URI.
409ConflictThe request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.
413Over LimitThe number of items returned is above the allowed limit.
415Bad Media TypeBad media type. This may result if the wrong media type is used in the API request. Check the content-type and accept headers included in the request.
503Service FaultService is not available.


This table shows the header parameter for the request:

X-Auth-TokenHeader String (Required)A valid authentication token.
{userId}URI String (Required)A user ID assigned by system when user is added.

This table shows the body parameters for the request:

idString (Required)The ID of the secret question to add to the account.
answerString (Required)The answer that the user can provide to verify an account.

Example: Create a secret question request: XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<secretqa answer="Himalayas" id="1"

Example: Create a secret question request: JSON

    "id": "1",
    "answer": "Himalayas",


This example shows the response:

Example: Create a secret question HTTP response header

POST /v2.0/users/266d3c8982534378bf88f64db2c916da/RAX-AUTH/secretqas HTTP/1.1
X-Auth-Token: 0f6e9f63600142f0a970911583522217

Get questions

GET /v2.0/RAX-AUTH/secretqa/questions

Returns a list of secret questions that can be added to user accounts.

The list includes secret questions and associated IDs required to manage questions by using the Identity service API. questions.

This table shows the possible response codes for this operation:

Response CodeNameDescription
200OKThe request succeeded.
400Bad RequestThe request is missing one or more elements, or the values of some elements are invalid.
401UnauthorizedYou are not authorized to complete this operation. This error can occur if the request is submitted with an invalid authentication token.
403ForbiddenThe request was valid, but the server is refusing to respond because you do not have permission to access the requested resource. Submit a request to your account administrator to determine how to gain access.
404Not FoundThe requested resource was not found.
405Invalid MethodThe method specified in the request is not valid for the resource identified in the request URI.
413Over LimitThe number of items returned is above the allowed limit.
503Service FaultService is not available.


This table shows the header parameters for the request:

X-Auth-TokenHeader String (Required)A valid admin authentication token.

This operation does not accept a request body.


Example: Get questions response: XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rax-auth:questions xmlns:atom="" 
     <rax-auth:question id="6" question="What is your pass phrase?"/>
     <rax-auth:question id="5" question="Who let the dogs out?"/>
     <rax-auth:question id="4" question="What is your favorite color?"/>
     <rax-auth:question id="3" question="What is your favorite book?"/>
     <rax-auth:question id="2" question="Where is the best place to live?"/>
     <rax-auth:question id="1" question="What is the location of your dream vacation?"/>
     <rax-auth:question id="1017" question="What's your fathers name?"/>

Example: Get questions response: JSON

  "RAX-AUTH:questions": [
            "id": "6",
            "question": "What is your pass phrase?"
            "id": "5",
            "question": "Who let the dogs out?"
            "id": "4",
            "question": "What is your favorite color?"
            "id": "3",
            "question": "What is your favorite book?"
            "id": "2",
            "question": "Where is the best place to live?"
            "id": "1",
            "question": "What is the location of your dream vacation?"