The following table provide details on billing terms.
Elements | Description | Sample values |
offeringCode | Used to indicate the offering for which the charges apply. Actual values followed by an explanation are presented. | Sample offering codes are:DBAAS - Cloud DatabasesMAAS - Cloud MonitoringCBS - Cloud Block StorageCBCKUP - Cloud Backup_ CFILES - Cloud Files |
chargeType | Used to indicate the type of charge. The supported chargeTypes vary with each offeringCode . | Sample charge types are:UPTIME - Instance usageSTORAGE - Storage usageNUM_CHKS_HRS - Number of checks per hourSTORAGE_BKUPS - Hourly storage usage for backups |
itemType | Type of the invoice item. | Sample item types are:PRODUCT_CHARGES OTHER_CHARGES _ SUPPORT_CHARGES |
methodId | Unique identifier referring to the method of payment. | Example: d35d7160-c3f0-11e2-8b8b-0800200c9a66 |
methodType | Type of payment method which is used to make the payment. | Payment method types:CREDITCARD ACH ECHECK WIRE UKDD NLSEPA CASH CHECK |
paymentTerms | Conditions under which Rackspace completes a sale. | Sample payment terms are:NET_30 - 30 days payment termNET_45 - 45 days payment term |
unitOfMeasure | Used to indicate the unitOfMeasure that is applicable to the returned quantity. Actual values followed by an explanation are presented. | Sample unit of measures are:HRS - HoursMINUTES - MinutesNO_OF_DAYS - Number of daysGB - GigaBytesMB - MegaBytesCOUNT - CountGB_HRS - GigaByte hoursCHKS_HRS - Checks hours |
amountDue | The amount due for the billing period when the invoice gets generated. | Example: 1500.25 |
pastDue | The past balance due from the previous month for an invoice. | Example: 10.5 |
currentBalance | The total balance due for the current billing period including the past due balance. | Example: 1510.75 |
monthlyRecurringRevenue | The average of the last three bills, provided as a guideline for customer expectations (but not an actual bill). | Example: 1510.75 |