Cloud Feeds Archiving Guide

Cloud Feeds supports archiving of events. Normally, an event remains in the database for three days. Archiving enables customers to permanently store events in a Cloud Files container, and to retrieve them from that location.



To utilize Cloud Feeds archiving, you must have a valid Rackspace Cloud Files account. For more information about Rackspace Cloud Files, read

Cloud Feeds provides two ways to configure archiving:

Feeds archiving is described in RFC 5005: Feed Paging and Archiving.

Archiving overview

Cloud Feeds archives a user's events based on region by storing the data in the Cloud Files container in a particular region.

Users can elect to have their events stored in one or more of their Cloud Files containers.

During the archiving process, events are written to files and are organized by date, feed and region.

Files are formatted as a static feed page for a single day for a single feed in a region. Users can walk through their archived feeds similarly to regular feeds by using next-archive and prev-archive links that point to the next and previous days.

Cloud Feeds provides three options for routing the archiving data to be stored:

  • Store all data at a default location, which is specified as one default container URL.
  • Store the data dependent on a specified region. For example, an event originating from the LON region is stored in a Cloud Files container in LON, an event originating from the SYD region is stored in a Cloud Files container in SYD, etc. This option requires the user to specify an archive container URL for each region. Events can also be configured to be stored in any arbitrary region.
  • Store some of the data at the default location, and some of the data at a specific, region-based container URL.

You can configure the following settings for Cloud Feeds archiving:

  • Enable or disable archiving.
  • Define the default container for events.
  • Specify specific containers per region. Any events from an unspecified region are archived in the default container.
  • Define format to use for archiving the events: An array of XML, JSON, or both.



The daily feed archive contains the events that were posted during that day. The daily feed archive might also list events that contain data pertaining to days other than the day when the event was posted.

Archiving Configuration API operations

Use the Archiving Configuration API to retrieve and upload archive settings for Cloud Feeds. This section describes the elements, service endpoint, and RBAC roles for the Archiving Configuration API. See the Cloud Feeds API operations reference for details. about the Archive Configuration API operations.

Elements of the Archiving Configuration API

Cloud Feeds enables users to configure their Cloud Feeds archiving settings by using the Archiving Configuration API.

Archiving Configuration API elements


Required. If this value is set to true, archiving is enabled. If set
to false, archiving is disabled.


Required. Specifies the data format, in which the events are archived.
Valid formats are XML and JSON. Users can select both formats. This
parameter is an array.


Optional. Specifies the container URL that is used for archiving Cloud Feeds events. If this value is set, all Cloud Feeds events from all regions will be archived to this container. If this value is not set, one or more archive container URLs must be specified. This value can be overridden by archive_container_URLs.


Optional. Specifies a list of Cloud Files URLs for each region. Each event is archived to the container that corresponds to its region. You can define container URLs for the following regions: iad, ord, dfw, lon, hkg, syd. Any events from a region that do not have a container URL specified will be archived to the default container URL. If this value is not specified, then the default container URL must be specified. If this value is set, you must define at least one region-specific container URL.

Archiving Configuration API service endpoint

Use the following endpoint to make REST calls against the Archiving Configuration API:

RBAC Roles for the Archiving Configuration API

The RBAC roles for the Archiving Configuration API differ from the RBAC roles for the Cloud Feeds API. The main difference is in the cloudfeeds:service-admin role. Users who are assigned the cloudfeeds:service-admin role cannot issue GET or POST requests on multiple tenants but only on a single tenant.

The following table shows the RBAC role matrix for Cloud Feeds:

Table RBAC Role Permissions Matrix

RoleGET methodPOST method
cloudfeeds:service-adminYes on single tenants; No on multiple tenantsYes on single tenants; No on multiple tenants
any other rolesNoNo

RBAC roles for accessing archived feeds

To access archived files from a Cloud Files container requires specified RBAC roles to be set. Two roles (admin and observer) can be used to access the Cloud Files API specifically. The following table describes these roles and their permissions.

Table: Cloud Files product roles and permissions

object-store:adminThis role provides create, read, update, and delete permissions in Cloud Files, where access is granted.
object-store:observerThis role provides read, permission in Cloud Files, where access is granted.

Additionally, two multiproduct roles apply to all products. Users with multiproduct roles inherit access to future products when those products become RBAC-enabled. The following table describes these roles and their permissions.

Table: Multiproduct roles and permissions

adminThis role provides create, read, update, and delete permissions in all products, where access is granted.
observerThis role provides read, permission in Cloud Files, where access is granted.

For more information, see Permissions matrix for Cloud Files.

Configuring Cloud Feeds archiving settings

To configure Cloud Feeds archiving settings by using the API, submi

  • Make a POST request against the<tenantid> endpoint and provide the configuration information in the request body.
  • Set the enabled parameter to "true," and the data_format parameter to and array of values (JSON, XML, or both).

You can also configure Cloud Feeds archiving settings from the Cloud Control Panel.



The Archiving Configuration API only supports token-based authentication. It does not support basic authentication.

When you configure the Cloud Files container to store events, you have several options.

Single container

If you want to specify one single container URL to store all events, regardless of which region they originate from, set the default_container_URL parameter to a valid URL from your Cloud Files account, as shown in the following example:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "X-Auth-Token: my_auth_token" \ \
     -d '{"data_format": ["JSON"],\
     "default_archive_container_url": "",\
     "enabled": true};'

Specific container for each region

If you want to specify a specific container URL for each region, so that Cloud Feeds routes all the events to be archived to a container that corresponds with the region of the event, use the archive_container_urls parameter. For each region, point to a valid URL from your Cloud Files account that you want the events to be routed to, as shown in the following example:

curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "X-Auth-Token: my_auth_token" \
     -d \
     '{"data_format": ["JSON", "XML"]\,
     "archive_container_urls": \
     "iad": "",\
     "dfw": "",\
     "ord": "",\
     "lon": "",\
     "syd": "",\
     "hkg": "\  
     "enabled": true\

Default container

Cloud Files also provides the option to specify a default container URL and one or more archive container URLs. In this configuration, all feeds that are configured for a region-specific container URL are routed to that URL. All other feeds are routed to the default container URL. The following example shows a configuration that routes the feeds from lon, syd, and hkg to a region-specific URL. All other feeds are routed to the default container URL.

curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "X-Auth-Token: ****"\
     -d \
     '{"data_format": ["JSON", "XML"]\,
     "default_archive_container_url": "",\
     "archive_container_urls": {\
     "lon": "",\
     "syd": "",\
     "hkg": "\
     "enabled": true\

Working with archived feeds

Review the following sections to learn about managing archived feeds:

Downloading archived feeds

You can access your archived feeds by submitting a GET request against the external feeds endpoint. The GET request downloads your archived feeds directly from Cloud Files.

Cloud Feeds provides the following endpoint for accessing external feeds:


To submit a GET request, use the following syntax:




The archive resource in the request URI denotes that the request is targeted to retrieve an archived feed. The request must be made using the exact format that is shown above.

A successful GET request returns links that help you navigate the Atom entries in the feed.

The following is an example of a request to retrieve an archived feed in XML format.

curl -u cfeedstestadminrole:apikey http://external.feeds.endpoint/archive/StagingUS_cab08997-1c5d-4545-815a-186592907ef9/FeedsArchives/dfw_backup-events_2015-01-27.xml

The following is an example of a request to retrieve an archived feed in
JSON format.
curl -i -u cfeedstestadminrole:apikey -H "accept: application/json" http://external.feeds.endpoint/archive/StagingUS_cab08997-1c5d-4545-815a-186592907ef9/FeedsArchives/dfw_backup-events_2015-01-27.json 

A successful GET request returns a 200: OK, success code and a link to the archived feeds.

If the request is unsuccessful, one of the following error codes is returned.

Table: Error codes

Error codeDescription
401Authentication error, the credentials provided are invalid.
404The archived file does not exist.
405Invalid method and/or invalid container/filenname. For example a POST operation was used instead of a GET operation.

Navigating archived feeds

You can navigate archived feeds in similar way to live feeds by using the prev-archive and next-archive, and current links:

  • Use the next-archive link to navigate by page to the next page of Atom entries.
  • Use the prev-archive link to navigate by page to the previous page of Atom entries.
  • Use the current link to navigate to the actual feed.

The self, next-archive, and prev-archive links point to static files, which may or may not exist in the user's Cloud Files

Accessing archived feeds provides limited functionality compared to working with live feeds:

  • No parameters are enabled. This includes the: marker, limit, direction, search, startingAt parameters.

For general information on how to navigate feeds, see Navigating through feeds.

Format of archived feeds

Archived feeds use the same formatting as regular feeds.

In addition, archived feeds have an additional node that denotes the feed as an archive. The archive node is a sub-node of the feed node that is located at the top of each feed. It uses the following format:

Table: Archive node in archived feeds

JSON"archive": "",

The following example shows an archived XML feed.

Example: Archived feed example - XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="" xmlns:fh="">
  <link rel="current" href=""/>
  <link rel="self" href=""/>
  <title type="text">feed_1/events</title>
  <link rel="prev-archive" href=""/>
  <link rel="next-archive" href=""/>
  <atom:entry xmlns:atom="" xmlns="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:error="" xmlns:wadl="" xmlns:json="" xmlns:saxon="" xmlns:sum="" xmlns:d558e1="" xmlns:cldfeeds="" index="7">
    <atom:category term="tid:5821027"/>
    <atom:category term="rgn:ORD"/>
    <atom:category term="dc:ORD1"/>
    <atom:category term="rid:ed3f75f5-bd98-4c62-b670-46c7d15ea601"/>
    <atom:category term="widget.widget.gadget.usage"/>
    <atom:category term="type:widget.widget.gadget.usage"/>
    <atom:content type="application/xml">
      <event xmlns="" xmlns:widget="" dataCenter="ORD1" endTime="2015-01-25T15:51:11Z" environment="PROD" id="59085a27-f9ac-44f7-a74b-0d41fe3c4585" region="ORD" resourceId="ed3f75f5-bd98-4c62-b670-46c7d15ea601" startTime="2012-03-12T11:51:11Z" tenantId="5821027" type="USAGE" version="1">
        <widget:product version="3" serviceCode="Widget" resourceType="WIDGET" label="test" widgetOnlyAttribute="bar" privateAttribute1="something you can not see" myAttribute="here it should be private" privateAttribute3="W2" mid="e9a67860-52e6-11e3-a0d1-002500a28a7a">
          <widget:metaData key="foo" value="bar"/>
          <widget:mixPublicPrivateAttributes privateAttribute3="45" myAttribute="here it should be public"/>
  <atom:entry xmlns:atom="" xmlns="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:error="" xmlns:wadl="" xmlns:json="" xmlns:saxon="" xmlns:sum="" xmlns:d558e1="" xmlns:cldfeeds="" index="6">
    <atom:category term="tid:5821027"/>
    <atom:category term="rgn:ORD"/>
    <atom:category term="dc:ORD1"/>
    <atom:category term="rid:ed3f75f5-bd98-4c62-b670-46c7d15ea601"/>
    <atom:category term="widget.widget.gadget.usage"/>
    <atom:category term="type:widget.widget.gadget.usage"/>
    <atom:content type="application/xml">
      <event xmlns="" xmlns:widget="" dataCenter="ORD1" endTime="2015-01-25T15:51:11Z" environment="PROD" id="59085a27-f9ac-44f7-a74b-0d41fe3c4585" region="ORD" resourceId="ed3f75f5-bd98-4c62-b670-46c7d15ea601" startTime="2012-03-12T11:51:11Z" tenantId="5821027" type="USAGE" version="1">
        <widget:product version="3" serviceCode="Widget" resourceType="WIDGET" label="test" widgetOnlyAttribute="bar" privateAttribute1="something you can not see" myAttribute="here it should be private" privateAttribute3="W2" mid="e9a67860-52e6-11e3-a0d1-002500a28a7a">
          <widget:metaData key="foo" value="bar"/>
          <widget:mixPublicPrivateAttributes privateAttribute3="45" myAttribute="here it should be public"/>

The following example shows an archived JSON feed.

  Example: Archived feed example - JSON

    "feed": {
        "@type": "",
        "archive": "",
        "entry": [
                "category": [
                        "term": "tid:5821027"
                        "term": "rgn:ORD"
                        "term": "dc:ORD1"
                        "term": "rid:ed3f75f5-bd98-4c62-b670-46c7d15ea601"
                        "term": "widget.widget.gadget.usage"
                        "term": "type:widget.widget.gadget.usage"
                "content": {
                    "event": {
                        "@type": "",
                        "dataCenter": "ORD1",
                        "endTime": "2015-01-25T15:51:11Z",
                        "environment": "PROD",
                        "id": "59085a27-f9ac-44f7-a74b-0d41fe3c4585",
                        "product": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "label": "test",
                            "metaData": {
                                "key": "foo",
                                "value": "bar"
                            "mid": "e9a67860-52e6-11e3-a0d1-002500a28a7a",
                            "mixPublicPrivateAttributes": {
                                "myAttribute": "here it should be public",
                                "privateAttribute3": "45"
                            "myAttribute": "here it should be private",
                            "privateAttribute1": "something you can not see",
                            "privateAttribute3": "W2",
                            "resourceType": "WIDGET",
                            "serviceCode": "Widget",
                            "version": "3",
                            "widgetOnlyAttribute": "bar"
                        "region": "ORD",
                        "resourceId": "ed3f75f5-bd98-4c62-b670-46c7d15ea601",
                        "startTime": "2012-03-12T11:51:11Z",
                        "tenantId": "5821027",
                        "type": "USAGE",
                        "version": "1"
                "id": "urn:uuid:59085a27-f9ac-44f7-a74b-0d41fe3c4585",
                "published": "2015-01-25T20:59:53.836Z",
                "updated": "2015-01-27T15:16:12.247Z"
                "category": [
                        "term": "tid:5821027"
                        "term": "rgn:ORD"
                        "term": "dc:ORD1"
                        "term": "rid:ed3f75f5-bd98-4c62-b670-46c7d15ea601"
                        "term": "widget.widget.gadget.usage"
                        "term": "type:widget.widget.gadget.usage"
                "content": {
                    "event": {
                        "@type": "",
                        "dataCenter": "ORD1",
                        "endTime": "2015-01-25T15:51:11Z",
                        "environment": "PROD",
                        "id": "59085a27-f9ac-44f7-a74b-0d41fe3c4585",
                        "product": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "label": "test",
                            "metaData": {
                                "key": "foo",
                                "value": "bar"
                            "mid": "e9a67860-52e6-11e3-a0d1-002500a28a7a",
                            "mixPublicPrivateAttributes": {
                                "myAttribute": "here it should be public",
                                "privateAttribute3": "45"
                            "myAttribute": "here it should be private",
                            "privateAttribute1": "something you can not see",
                            "privateAttribute3": "W2",
                            "resourceType": "WIDGET",
                            "serviceCode": "Widget",
                            "version": "3",
                            "widgetOnlyAttribute": "bar"
                        "region": "ORD",
                        "resourceId": "ed3f75f5-bd98-4c62-b670-46c7d15ea601",
                        "startTime": "2012-03-12T11:51:11Z",
                        "tenantId": "5821027",
                        "type": "USAGE",
                        "version": "1"
                "id": "urn:uuid:59085a27-f9ac-44f7-a74b-0d41fe3c4585",
                "published": "2015-01-25T20:59:53.836Z",
                "updated": "2015-01-27T15:16:12.247Z"
        "id": "urn:uuid0803e933-0011-464a-8ea2-5187b8ec4487",
        "link": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "current"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "prev-archive"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "next-archive"
        "title": {
            "@text": "feed_1/events",
            "type": "text"
        "updated": "2015-01-28T15:50:48.497Z"