Cloud Autoscale

Use the Cloud Autoscale feed operations to get information about actions that the the service has taken on behalf of users.

Get feed for Autoscale events

GET /autoscale/events/{tid}

This operation obtains the most recent events for this product's feed.


The following table shows the header parameters for the request:

ACCEPTAcceptheadertype (Required)Specifies the type of Accept header to be used in the request.

The following table shows the URI parameters for the request:

{tid}StringSpecifies the tenant Id.

The following table shows the query parameters for the request:

markerAnyuri (Optional)Specifies the entry from which the feed is read. If no value is specified, forward is used by default.
limitInt (Optional)Specifies the number of entries to return. By default the limit is set to 25. The minimum limit is 1 and the maximum limit is 1,000.
directionString (Optional)Valid values for this parameter are either backward or forward.

This operation does not accept a request body.


The following table shows the possible response codes for this

Response CodeNameDescription
200OKThe request succeeded.
400Bad RequestThe request is missing one or more elements, or the values of some elements are invalid.
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed, or the user does not have permissions for a requested operation.
404Not FoundThe requested resource was not found.
429Rate LimitedToo many requests. Wait and retry.
500Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
503Service UnavailableService is not available. Try again later.

Get Autoscale event by ID

GET /autoscale/events/{tid}/entries/{id}

This http fetches one particular event whose ID is listed in the URI.


The following table shows the header parameters for the request:

ACCEPTAcceptheadertype (Required)

The following table shows the URI parameters for the request:

{tid}StringSpecifies the tenant Id.
{id}Anyuri<urn:uuid:676f3860-447c-> 40a3-8f61-9791819cc82f

This operation does not accept a request body.

Message samples

The following examples show the XML and JSON messages for each event
message type.

Actions on behalf of user event message, v1

Provides information about the actions that Autoscale takes on behalf of
the user, version 1.

The following table describes attributes for the event message.

Attribute NameDescriptionTypeOptionality
scalingGroupIdThe Scaling group ID on which the action is takenUUIDOptional
policyIdThe policy ID whose execution caused this actionUUIDOptional
scheduledTimeIf this message is about executing scheduled policy then this will contain the scheduled time of the executionutcDateTimeOptional
webhookIdThe webhook ID whose execution caused this actionUUIDOptional
desiredCapacityThe desired number of servers in the groupunsignedIntOptional
currentCapacityThe current number of servers in the groupunsignedIntOptional
usernameThe username in the tenant being used to execute actionsstringOptional
messageThe human-readable detailed message w.r.t this eventstringRequired

XML Sample

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<atom:entry xmlns:atom="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
      <atom:id> urn:uuid:e53d007a-fc23-11e1-975c-cfa6b29bb814 </atom:id>
      <atom:category term="rgn:DFW"/>
      <atom:category term="dc:DFW1"/>
      <atom:category term=""/>
      <atom:category term=""/>
      <atom:title> autoscale </atom:title>
      <atom:content type="application/xml">
         <event xmlns="" xmlns:sample="" id="e53d007a-fc23-11e1-975c-cfa6b29bb814" version="2" eventTime="2013-03-15T11:51:11Z" type="INFO" dataCenter="DFW1" region="DFW">
            <sample:product serviceCode="Autoscale" version="1" scalingGroupId="6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66" desiredCapacity="5" currentCapacity="3" message="Launching 2 servers"/>
      <atom:link href="" rel="self"/>
      <atom:updated> 2013-03-01T19:42:35.507Z </atom:updated>
      <atom:published> 2013-03-01T19:42:35.507 </atom:published>

JSON Sample

      "entry": {
   "@type": "http:\/\/\/2005\/Atom",
   "category": [
      "term": "rgn:DFW"
      "term": "dc:DFW1"
      "term": ""
      "term": ""
   "link": [
      "href": "https:\/\/\/autoscale\/events\/entries\/urn:uuid:e53d007a-fc23-11e1-975c-cfa6b29bb814",
      "rel": "self"
   "id": "urn:uuid:e53d007a-fc23-11e1-975c-cfa6b29bb814",
   "title": "autoscale",
   "content": {
         "event": {
      "@type": "http:\/\/\/core\/event",
      "id": "e53d007a-fc23-11e1-975c-cfa6b29bb814",
      "version": "2",
      "eventTime": "2013-03-15T11:51:11Z",
      "type": "INFO",
      "dataCenter": "DFW1",
      "region": "DFW",
      "product": {
            "@type": "http:\/\/\/event\/autoscale",
            "serviceCode": "Autoscale",
            "version": "1",
            "scalingGroupId": "6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66",
            "desiredCapacity": 5,
            "currentCapacity": 3,
            "message": "Launching 2 servers"
   "updated": "2013-03-01T19:42:35.507Z",
   "published": "2013-03-01T19:42:35.507"


The following table shows the possible response codes for this

Response CodeNameDescription
200OKThe request completed successfully
400Bad RequestThe request is missing one or more elements, or the values of some elements are invalid.
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed, or the user does not have permissions for a requested operation.
429Rate LimitedToo many requests. Wait and retry.
500Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
503Service UnavailableService is not available. Try again later.