Waypoint is a tool that provides high-level, concise information about costs, risks, and other key operational information associated with your AWS accounts. Querying information from various APIs from both AWS and Rackspace in Waypoint provides a consolidated view of key information. Waypoint keeps you informed about what’s happening in your AWS environments and ensures that we work together to improve your experience.
Waypoint is a near-real-time dashboard for the current month, and it also provides historical reports for the previous 12 months, giving you both current and trending information.
For the current month, it updates cost data approximately once per day. Typically, by the tenth day of a month, we finalize the cost data for the previous month (though the process might take a few days longer to run).
Users with access to all AWS accounts within a Rackspace account can access Waypoint by clicking the Waypoint link in the Rackspace Technology Customer Portal. Waypoint is available only to users with access to all AWS accounts because it summarizes details for all those accounts.
Users with access to only a subset of AWS accounts within a Rackspace account can instead access Usage, which provides billing details for the subset of accounts. To access Usage, click the Usage link in the Rackspace Technology Customer Portal.
Users see either Waypoint (for those with access to all AWS accounts) or Usage (for those with access to only some AWS accounts) but not both.
Updated over 1 year ago