View Information About Available Cloud Servers
In addition to viewing CPU, RAM, and disk space configuration information for available Cloud Servers, you can also view disk, I/O, and networking information. Use this information to help you decide which Cloud Server is right for your needs. You can view the available servers through either the command-line nova client or the Cloud Control Panel interface.
View server information through novaclient
For information about installing the nova client on Windows, Linux, or Mac systems, see Using python-novaclient with Rackspace Cloud Servers.
On the command line, run the following command:
nova flavor-list
All available server configurations are displayed. The list contains the following information:
- ID - The server configuration ID
- Name - The configuration name, labeled by RAM size and performance type
- Memory_MB - The amount of RAM that the configuration has
- Disk - The size of the disk in GB (for general purpose Cloud Servers, the size of the system disk)
- Ephemeral - The size of the data disk
- Swap - The size of the swap space
- VCPUs - The number of virtual CPUs associated with the configuration
- RXTX_Factor - The amount of bandwidth, in Mbps, allocated to the PublicNet ports, ServiceNet ports, and isolated networks (cloud networks) attached to a server
- Is_Public - Not used
Copy the ID of the configuration that you want to use from the ID field. You need it to create your server.
For instructions on creating a cloud server through the nova client, see the Cloud Servers API guide.
View server information through the Cloud Control Panel
You can view all the available information for your cloud server through the Cloud Control Panel interface. On a single page, you choose what type of server to create (Windows or Linux) and the server configuration that best meets your needs. Each server option has a unique configuration of RAM, CPU, and disk space.
Log in to the Cloud Control Panel.
In the top navigation bar, click Select a Product > Rackspace Cloud.
Select Servers > Cloud Servers.
On the Cloud Servers page, click Create Server.
In the Flavor section, view server configuration information by first choosing the class of server--General Purpose, Compute, Memory, I/O, or Standard--and then using the slider bar to select the specific configuration.
The following information is listed for each configuration:
- CPU - The number of vCPUs.
- RAM - The amount of RAM.
- Boot Source - Allows you to boot a server from a remotely attached volume, which moves the system disk from local to remote.
- System Disk - The size of the system disk.
- Network - The network throughput.
- Disk I/O - A comparison of the I/O speed of this configuration with the I/O speed of other configurations (Good, Better, or Best).
A description of the selected configuration can help you decide if the configuration is right for you. You can also click the Comparison Chart link to see a comparison chart for all the configurations in each class.
For instructions on creating a cloud server through the Cloud Control Panel, see Create a cloud server.
Updated 5 days ago