Resolve Out-of-date Error for Raxmon SSL Certificate
This article shows you how to update the cacert.pem file manually to avoid Secure Socket Layer (SSL) verification errors that you might see when viewing or accessing monitoring entities by using the Raxmon client.
For example, when running raxmon-entities-list
, you might see the following error:
ssl.SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:510: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
Replace cacert.pem
Find and replace the Raxmon cacert.pem file with the following updated file:
The location of cacert.pem might vary based on the operating system you are running. Typically, on Linux® systems, the location is /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/raxmon_cli/data/cacert.pem.
After you have updated cacert.pem, you should be able to run the raxmon commands without issue.
Upgrade the Raxmon client
If you're not running Raxmon version 0.7.3 or later, which includes the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate, upgrade your client by running the following command:
sudo pip install -U rackspace-monitoring-cli
Updated over 1 year ago