Install the Cloud Backup agent on Windows
This article describes how to install the Rackspace Cloud Backup agent on your
Windows® server. If you are using a Linux® server, see
Install the Cloud Backup agent (Linux)
for the parallel instructions.
To update the agent, see the instructions in
Update the Rackspace Cloud Backup agent.
A new agent installation disconnects any previous registrations from that server.
You must do a backup migration to re-associate the backup data from a disconnected
registration. However, the old registration with its backup data remains attached
to the customer account until it is deleted.
Note: The Rackspace Cloud Backup agent requires .NET 4.0 or higher.
Download the installer
Determine whether your Windows server architecture is 64-bit or 32-bit, and
download the latest MSI installation file for that architecture from
You can choose one of the following methods of installation:
- Interactive
- Silent
- Update agent
Note: For any of these modes of installation or uninstallation,
you can put the agent in debug or trace mode by setting the following
registry value to true
: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Rackspace\CloudBackup\Debug.
The log file name for the installer is located in the %TMP%
folder, and the name is similar to driveclient-2.27.009073-en-us.msi.install.log
for the installer and driveclient-2.27.009073-en-us.msi.uninstall.log
for the uninstaller.
Interactive installation
Use the Windows package installer (msiexec.exe
) to install the Cloud
Backup agent in interactive mode. This command launches the Cloud Backup
Setup Wizard. Enter this code at the Windows command line to begin
interactive installation:
msiexec /i driveclient-1.18.007148-en-us.msi
You can also double-click on the MSI to start the interactive
installation process. Follow the wizard instructions to complete the
installation and configuration.
Read and accept the terms of the End-User License Agreement.
Start the Client Registration process by selecting the API Key or
Password option. For information about viewing your Rackspace API key, see
View and reset your API key.To use the API Key option, you must install the Cloud Backup agent
as the administrator account of your cloud server. If you use
the API Key option as a non-administrator, the installation fails.Enter the User ID and the API Key or Password, depending on which
option you choose. Click Next. -
Select the Datacenter and Flavor for your server.
If you are not sure which data center or flavor to select, accept the option that
the installer chose for you. Doing so is almost always the correct
action to take. An exception would be the case of an OnMetal server.
In this case, you would need to look up the data center
for that server (typically IAD). Click Next.Note: It is possible to install Rackspace Cloud Backup on non-Rackspace assets, as long
as the server has access to the public Internet, and the Cloud Backup agent supports the
operating system. These kinds of assets might include servers that run on other clouds,
such as AWS EC2, Azure®, or Google®. They might also include personal laptops, desktops,
or servers running in your own company's data center. For any asset outside of Rackspace
infrastructure, you must use the dedicated flavor when registering the agent. -
Click OK when you see the SUCCESS! message.
Click Finish to complete the interactive installation.
See the Test Windows installation or update section below for the verification
steps to test the installation.
Silent installation
See Install the agent on Windows by using silent installation
to learn how to perform a silent installation.
Note: The silent installation works only when you run it from the
administrator account of the server.
Update Cloud Backup agent on Windows
For instructions to update the agent on Windows, see
Update the Rackspace Cloud Backup agent.
Test the Windows installation or update
Verify that the installation performed the following actions:
Created the
path. -
Placed files in the
Program Files\driveclient
directory:C:\Program Files\Driveclient>dir Volume in drive C is System Volume Serial Number is 9A20-F50E Directory of C:\Program Files\Driveclient 07/11/2016 03:39 PM <DIR> . 07/11/2016 03:39 PM <DIR> .. 09/22/2014 07:24 PM 15,226 06/17/2016 03:54 PM 386,560 AgentConfig.exe 06/17/2016 03:54 PM 551,936 AgentReg.exe 06/15/2016 04:34 PM 10,170,368 driveclient.exe 11/28/2012 11:27 AM 1,693,696 icudt42.dll 11/28/2012 11:27 AM 1,289,216 icuuc42.dll 11/28/2012 11:27 AM 2,845,696 icuuc42d.dll 04/20/2015 02:51 PM 35,840 librsync.dll 06/01/2016 01:28 PM 827,728 msvcr100.dll 06/17/2016 03:54 PM 32,256 UpdateSvc.exe 10 File(s) 17,848,522 bytes 2 Dir(s) 6,455,734,272 bytes free
Created the
path. -
in the%programdata%\driveclient
which looks as follows.{ "AccountId" : “<your account ID>", "AgentFingerprint" : “<your encoded agent fingerprint ID>", "AgentFingerprintPlainText" : “<your plaintext agent fingerprint ID>", "AgentId" : <your machine agent ID>, "AgentIdV2" : "", "AgentKey" : “<your agent key>", "ApiHostName" : "<api drivesrvr>", "ApiVersion" : 0, "IsRegistered" : true, "ProjectId" : "", "RsaKeyPair" : “<your RSA key-pair>”, "Username" : “<your account user name>", "VolumePasswords" : { } }
Replace values in brackets with values that match your installation.
The parameter provided with/type=install
should be visible in the
file.Note: For
for API servers in the US,
for the value of<api drivesrvr>
. ForApiHostName
for API servers in the
for the value of<api drivesrvr>
. -
Created a
service and anUpgradeRcbuSvc
service:C:\ProgramData\Driveclient>sc query driveclient SERVICE_NAME: driveclient TYPE : 10 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS STATE : 4 RUNNING (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, IGNORES_SHUTDOWN) WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0) SERVICE_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0) CHECKPOINT : 0x0 WAIT_HINT : 0x0 C:\ProgramData\Driveclient>sc query upgradercbusvc SERVICE_NAME: upgradercbusvc TYPE : 10 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS STATE : 4 RUNNING (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, ACCEPTS_SHUTDOWN) WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0) SERVICE_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0) CHECKPOINT : 0x0 WAIT_HINT : 0x0
Created the entry
in Control Panel->Programs->Programs and Features.
Test the Windows update
Run the following command from the command line:
reg export "hkey_local_machine\software\rackspace\cloudbackup" deleteme.txt & type deleteme.txt | findstr /i version & del deleteme.txt
Note the Product Version
Run the following command from the command line:
powershell -command "& { (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'deleteme.txt') }" & type deleteme.txt & del deleteme.txt
View the version number and make sure that it matches the Product Version
number in the registry.
Agent file locations on Windows
Finding the driveclient
files under various flavors of Windows is
a little complicated. In general, you can find these files under the
folder to which CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA points.
- For more information about this location on Windows versions
starting with Vista, see
KNOWNFOLDERID. - For more information about this location on earlier versions of
Windows, see CSIDL.
In a typical installation, the files are located in the following folders:
- Configuration files: %ProgramData%\Driveclient
- Logs: %ProgramData%\Driveclient\logs (This value might be different
on your server, depending on your settings in the log4cxx.xml file
under Configuration files.) - Application: %ProgramFiles%\Driveclient
- Database: Search for a *.db file under %ProgramData%\Driveclient.
Troubleshooting installs, upgrades, and uninstalls
Note: The silent installation method fails without a clear error
message if you run it as a non-administrator. If the silent installation
fails, run the interactive installation.
If the Cloud Backup agent installation is unsuccessful, look at the
Windows Event log for any errors or look at the msiexec
log for diagnostics regarding an unsuccessful installation.
For details about an agent that fails to register or fails to start on
installation, look at C:\ProgramData\Driveclient\log\driveclient.log.
We recommend that you enable TRACE logging as part of the
troubleshooting process. If you need to call the Support team, TRACE
logging helps them identify the problem. For more information about
TRACE logging, see Cloud Backup agent logging basics.
If the agent fails to start up, due to registration failure, for example, the
most effective log setting is to edit the log4cxx.xml file directly.
A Cloud Backup connection error indicates that the agent is not running
on your server. In this case, verify that your firewall isn't blocking
outgoing connections on port 443
Backup statuses - Skipped, Missed, Errored, and Failed
The backup statuses are defined below:
- Skipped: The backup job was skipped because a backup job was
already queued. A single backup job can be queued only once. - Missed: The backup job was missed because the agent did not respond.
The agent was likely offline. - Errored: An error occurred during the backup. The backup job did
run, but it needs to be investigated. - Failed: A serious problem occurred, and the backup job did not run.
To troubleshoot these error statuses, see
Cloud Backup Troubleshooting.
Uninstall Cloud Backup agent on Windows
To uninstall the Cloud Backup agent, the preferred method to use is the
Add/Remove Programs option in the Windows Control Panel. However, in cases
where the Rackspace Cloud Backup entry does not exist in the program list, use
the command line to uninstall the agent.
msiexec /x driveclient-latest.msi /qb /l*v %tmp%\uninstall.log
Note: If the agent installed on your server is not the latest agent, you can download the
corresponding old MSI file to use it to uninstall the outdated agent. The MSI version
must match the version of your currently installed agent, or the uninstall fails. Your current agent
version displays as Agent Version: on the Backups System Details page. You can find
and download the MSI for this version at
The following changes should occur:
path contains files and folders that you can use to reinstall
the agent without re-registering if desired. If you are sure that you will not reinstall
the agent, you can delete these files and folders.C:\>dir %programdata%\driveclient Volume in drive C is System Volume Serial Number is 9A20-F50E Directory of C:\ProgramData\driveclient 06/17/2016 04:00 PM <DIR> . 06/17/2016 04:00 PM <DIR> .. 05/27/2016 02:16 PM 0 backup-running.lock 06/17/2016 03:54 PM 3,720 bootstrap.json 04/01/2016 07:25 PM 3,801 bootstrap.json.20160426102748 04/01/2016 07:25 PM <DIR> log 06/17/2016 03:58 PM 827 log4cxx.xml 05/27/2016 02:16 PM <DIR> MossoCloudFS_ede95edd-78f8-4097-82de-5dfa7941b7c7 06/17/2016 03:54 PM 451 public-key.pem 05/27/2016 02:19 PM 305 rse-client-state.json 05/27/2016 02:16 PM <DIR> vss 10 File(s) 23,984 bytes 5 Dir(s) 6,035,111,936 bytes free
entry exists in Control Panel > Programs
and Features. -
c service is installed.C:\>sc query driveclient [SC] EnumQueryServicesStatus:OpenService FAILED 1060: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
Uninstall the agent from older versions of Windows
Note: Complete the following steps ONLY if uninstalling the agent
from Window's agent version 1.18 or lower. You can check your agent
version by using the following steps:
Log in to the Cloud Control Panel.
In the top navigation bar, click Select a Product > Rackspace Cloud.
Select Backups.
Select your backup system.
The version number appears under System Details. If your version is
higher than 1.18, see the previous section for instructions about how to
To proceed for versions 1.18 or lower, run
The following changes should occur:
The path
contains a single file:
install.logC:\>dir %programfiles%\driveclient /a-d Volume in drive C is OS Volume Serial Number is EE4C-78FC Directory of C:\Program Files\driveclient 10/05/2011 01:29 PM 607,013 install.log 1 File(s) 607,013 bytes 2 Dir(s) 449,805,914,112 bytes free
path does not exist.C:\>dir "%programdata%\driveclient" Volume in drive C is OS Volume Serial Number is EE4C-78FC Directory of C:\ProgramData File Not Found
entry exists in Control Panel > Programs
and Features. -
service is installed. -
There should be no scheduled tasks to check for
driveclient update.C:\>sc query driveclientsvc [SC] EnumQueryServicesStatus:OpenService FAILED 1060: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
Next steps: Create a backup
Updated over 1 year ago