Manually enable automatic updates on Windows 2012 and Windows 2008 Public Cloud Servers
Keeping your servers up to date with security fixes can help you avoid server
compromises. While package updates can't prevent all security breaches,
keeping your servers up to date should be a key component of your security
This article describes how to enable automatic updates on your Windows® 2012
and Windows 2008 Rackspace Public Cloud Servers to ensure that crucial updates
are installed and current.
Windows 2012
Use the following steps to enable automatic updates on your Windows 2012
Rackspace Public Cloud Server:
Connect to the Windows server.
Click on the Windows icon in the lower-left corner.
Click Control Panel > System and Security.
The Choose your Windows Update settings page appears.
Under the Windows Update section, click Turn automatic updating on
or off. -
Select Install updates automatically (recommended) from the
drop-down menu. -
If you also want to automatically install recommended updates, select the
check box under Recommended Updates (optional). -
If you want to install updates for other Microsoft® products at the same
time that the Windows updates are installed, select the check box under
Microsoft Update (optional). -
When you're finished making selections, click OK in the lower portion
of the window.
Windows 2008
Use the following steps to enable automatic updates on your Windows 2008
Rackspace Public Cloud Server:
- Connect to the Windows server.
- Click Start in the lower-left corner.
- Click Control Panel > System and Security.
- In the Windows Update section, click Turn automatic updating on or
off. - Select Install updates automatically (recommended) from the drop-down
menu. - If you also want to automatically install recommended updates, select the
check box under Recommended Updates (optional). - If you want to enable all users the option to install updates on the server,
select the check box under Who can install updates (optional). - When you're finished making selections, click OK in the lower portion
of the window.
Updated over 1 year ago