Manage Cloud Databases Configuration Groups in the Cloud Control Panel
A configuration group is a collection of settings that you can save and apply to one or more Cloud Database instances. It consists of one or more configuration parameters, which represent options.
For example, you can set the max_connections
parameter in a configuration group to 80
, which means that the instance to which the configuration group is applied can have a maximum of 80 clients connected simultaneously. You can also set the default time zone for an instance by defining the default_time_zone
parameter in a configuration group.
This article describes how to manage configurations by using the Cloud Control Panel.
For details about configuration parameters, see the MySQL documentation 5.1.4 Server System Variables.
Create a new configuration group and apply it to an instance
Use the steps in this section to create a configuration group and apply it to a database instance.
You can only apply a configuration group to instances in the same region as the configuration group. This means you cannot apply a configuration group created for the
region and apply it to an instance inDFW
Create a new configuration group
Use the following steps to create a new configuration group:
Log in to the Cloud Control Panel.
In the top navigation bar, click Select a Product > Rackspace Cloud.
Select Databases.
In Databases, select MANAGE EXTRAS > MySQL Configurations.
Click Create Configuration.
Under Identity, provide a name and description for the configuration and specify the region in which you want to use the configuration.
Under Settings, select the datastore of the database instances to which the configuration parameters applies. For example, if you choose MySQL® 5.6, the configuration group can be applied only to database instances that use MySQL 5.6.
In Configuration Parameters, enter values for the parameters that you want to customize for this configuration group.
The parameters shown in orange text are non-dynamic parameters. If the value of any of these parameters is changed, you must restart all instances attached to the configuration group.
The configuration group displayed on the Configuration Parameters page shows the database type it can be applied to and last updated timestamp.
Click Create Configuration.
You can use the configuration group displayed in the Configurations page for your database instances.
The most frequently used parameters are displayed at the top of the list, and the remaining parameters are listed underneath.
Apply a configuration to an existing instance or create a new instance
You can apply a configuration to one or more existing instances from the Configurations page, or you can apply a configuration to a single new database instance that you created with the default configuration.
Apply a configuration from the Configurations page
In the Cloud Control Panel, select Databases > Configurations.
On the Configurations page, click the gear icon next to the database configuration that you want to apply to an instance.
Click Apply to Existing Instances. The database instances in the same region that use the datastore specified in the configuration group display in a pop-up dialog box.
Select all the instances to which you want to apply the configuration, and then click Apply Configuration.
If you change non-dynamic parameters in the configuration group, you must restart all the instances attached to the configuration group. To restart the affected instances:
a. Go to the Database Instances page.
b. The instances that you need to restart display in orange. Click the gear icon next to the instance to which you just applied the configuration group and select Restart Instance.
Apply a configuration to an instance with the default configuration from the Instance Details page
Use the following steps to apply a configuration to an instance:
On the Database Instances page, click the newly created instance to which you want to apply a configuration.
Under Instance Details, click Choose Configuration.
Select the configuration that you want to apply to the instance and click Use Selected.
Restart the database instance so that the changes take effect.
Create a new instance with a configuration group
Use the following steps to create a new instance with a configuration group:
In the Cloud Control Panel, select Databases > Configurations.
On the Configurations page, click the gear icon next to the configuration you want to use to create an instance. Select Create Instance.
In the pop-up dialog box, provide a name for the instance and specify the RAM and disk size for the instance. The configuration group defines the region and datastore type, so you cannot change those settings.
Click Create Instance.
Modify configuration parameters for a configuration group
You can modify configuration groups by updating the values of existing parameters, adding new parameters, and removing parameters. This section describes these steps. When you update a configuration group, you must restart all the instances that use the configuration for the changes to take effect on those instances.
Change the values of configuration parameters in a configuration group
Use the following steps to change the values of configuration parameters in a configuration group:
On the Configurations page in the Cloud Control Panel, click the configuration group for which you want to modify the parameters.
On the Configuration Details page, click the gear icon for the parameter you want to delete and click Edit Parameter.
Modify the value.
Some configuration parameters cannot be deleted and require at least a minimum value. For example,
must be set to a minimum value of1
. -
Click Apply Changes.
Add new configuration parameters to a configuration group
Use the following steps to add new configuration parameters to a configuration group:
On the Configurations page in the Cloud Control Panel, click the configuration group for which you want to add parameters.
On the Configuration Details page, click Add Parameters. Only the parameters that are undefined appear in the list.
In the pop-up dialog box, provide values for the parameters that you want to add.
Click Add Parameters.
Remove configuration parameters from a configuration group
Use the following steps to remove configuration parameters from a configuration group:
On the Configurations page in the Cloud Control Panel, click the configuration group for which you want to modify parameters.
On the Configuration Details page, click the gear icon for the parameter you want to delete and click Edit Parameter.
Change the value to
.Some configuration parameters cannot be deleted and require at least a minimum value. For example,
must be set to a minimum value of1
. -
Click Apply Changes.
Remove a configuration from an instance
Use the following steps to remove a configuration from an instance:
In the Cloud Control Panel, select Databases > Database Instances.
Click the name of the instance from which you want to modify the configuration.
Under Instance Details, next to the Configuration field, click Revert to Default.
Delete a configuration group
This section describes how to delete a configuration group.
Delete a configuration group by using the Configurations page
Use the following steps to delete a configuration group by using the Configurations page:
In the Cloud Control Panel, select Databases > Configurations.
On the Configurations page, click the gear icon next to the database configuration that you want to delete.
From the menu, select Delete Configuration.
Delete a configuration group by using the Instance Details page
Use the following steps to delete a configuration group by using the Instance Details page:
In the Cloud Control Panel, select Databases > Database Instances.
Click the name of the configuration you want to delete.
On the Instance Details page, click the Action menu.
Select Delete Instance.
Special cases - Rebuilding FULLTEXT indexes
If you modify the value of any of the following configuration parameters, you must rebuild indexes on all tables with FULLTEXT indexes. Only after you rebuild the index will the database reflect the modified value. Use REPAIR TABLE tbl_name QUICK;
innodb_ft_max_token_size | innodb_ft_min_token_size | innodb_ft_num_word_optimize |
innodb_ft_enable_stopword | innodb_ft_server_stopword_table | innodb_ft_user_stopword_table |
ft_min_word_len | innodb_ft_server_stopword_table | innodb_ft_user_stopword_table |
innodb_ft_enable_stopword | innodb_ft_max_token_size | innodb_ft_min_token_size |
innodb_ft_num_word_optimize | innodb_ft_result_cache_limit | innodb_ft_server_stopword_table |
innodb_ft_sort_pll_degree | innodb_ft_total_cache_size | innodb_ft_sort_pll_degree |
innodb_ft_total_cache_size |
Updated over 1 year ago