List Cloud Monitoring zones with Pitchfork
This article describes how to list the Cloud Monitoring zones and source IP addresses with the Rackspace
Cloud API tool, Pitchfork.
Log in to Pitchfork
Log in to Pitchfork at
To learn how to log in to and use Pitchfork, refer to Pitchfork—the Rackspace Cloud API web application.
List the Cloud Monitoring zones with Pitchfork
After you log in to Pitchfork, click on the Cloud Monitoring icon to pull up the Cloud Monitoring API calls.
Navigate to the Zones section to find the List Monitoring Zone API call. Then, click Details to expand the call.
Click Send API Call. The Response Body output of the API call displays the Cloud Monitoring zones and source IP addresses, as shown in the following example:
{ "source_ips": [ "2001:4800:7902:0001::/64", "" ], "id": "mzdfw", "country_code": "US", "label": "Dallas Fort Worth (DFW)" }
You can now perform the List Monitoring Zone API call.
Updated 5 days ago