Linux Spheres of Support for Dedicated and Managed Operations

This article outlines our support of software and server configurations for machines (virtual and physical) running a supported Linux® operating system.

Operating systems

Operating Systems and Platform support Matrix:

Physical ServersHosted VMWareRackspace Openstack Public CloudRackspace SDDC (Flex/Business/Enterprise)*AWSAzure
AlmaLinux® 9YesYestbaYesYesYes
AlmaLinux 8YesYesYesYesYesYes
Amazon® Linux 2023----Yes-
Amazon® Linux 2----Yes-
CentOS® 7YesYesYesYesYesYes
Debian® 12 (Book Worm)--YesYesYesYes
Debian 11 (Bullseye)--YesYesYesYes
Debian 10 (Buster)--YesYesYesYes
Oracle® Linux 9YesYes-YesYesYes
Oracle Linux 8YesYes-YesYesYes
Oracle Linux 7YesYes-YesYesYes
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 9YesYes-YesYesYes
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8YesYesYesYesYesYes
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7YesYesYesYesYesYes
Rocky Linux® 9YesYestbaYesYesYes
Rocky Linux 8YesYesYesYesYesYes
Ubuntu® 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)YesYestbaYesYesYes
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)YesYestbaYesYesYes
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)YesYesYesYesYesYes


Rackspace makes every effort to align our support dates for operating systems with the manufacturer's support dates. If a manufacturer decides to shorten the support life of an operating system, Rackspace might be forced to end support sooner than originally anticipated. For full details on support life, see the Rackspace EOL Terms.

* RPC-V is now Rackspace SDDC Enterprise

Web servers

The following types of web servers are supported in the indicated areas:



Not all add-on modules are supported. Contact Rackspace Support for more information.

Database servers

The following types of database servers are supported in the indicated areas:



Linux OS administrators handle basic database support topics. Advanced topics might require DBA support assistance. PostgreSQL, MongoDB®, and Oracle® are not supported by Linux OS administrators. The Rackspace DBA team supports Oracle and MySQL®. PostgreSQL requests can be considered on a case-by-case basis. The Rackspace DBA team is available for support consultation on database issues. Fees might apply. For more information visit our DBA Services page.


Rackspace will install and support the official Oracle MySQL, MariaDB® and Percona® MySQL software from the vendor's repositories.

File servers

The following file servers are supported in the indicated areas:

CIFS (client)YesYesYesYes


Although lsyncd is not strictly a file server technology, we commonly use it at Rackspace in place of NFS services on cloud servers. Bidirectional data transfer with lsyncd is not supported.

Mail servers

The following mail servers are supported in the indicated areas:



By their nature, cloud servers have ephemeral IP addresses, which most email providers blacklist. Emails sent from a cloud server must go through a third-party application such as Mailgun®. Rackspace recommends Rackspace Email Hosting for cloud environments.

Application servers

The following authentication tools are supported in the indicated areas:



The following caching tools are supported in the indicated areas:



Rackspace does not support VCL customization for Varnish.


The following services are supported on Pacemaker Cluster Suite® (PCS) in the indicated areas:

MySQL, MariaDB, and PerconaYesYesYesYes

Note: We support PCS on only physical hardware platforms (not including OnMetal offerings).
We do not support Oracle on PCS.

Containerization technologies

The following containerization technologies are supported:


Note: Rackspace Support does not extend into the individual containers.

Control panels

The following control panel is supported in the indicated area:


Note: Plesk is supported only on dedicated Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS platforms.


The following antivirus software is supported in the indicated areas:

Rackspace Managed Anti-VirusYesYesYesYes

Note: Rackspace requires the use of antivirus software on any configurations that use domain controllers and to assist in maintaining PCI compliance.

Other services and technologies

Although we don't support all technologies, we do offer reasonable endeavor support, which extends our support into
offering alternative solutions. Reasonable endeavor support can include help from Rackspace partners and other third-party services.

  • API support: All the support functions listed in the API guides are supported.
  • Backups: Rackspace provides solutions for file system and database backups including leveraging the use of open-source projects
    such as Holland. For more information, contact Support.
  • Cloud Files: Integration with Cloud Files is supported via the API; however, no development
    support is offered to help use Cloud Files via the API.
  • DNS: Rackspace supports the use of the public Rackspace name servers for DNS. Bind/named are not supported at this time.
  • Firewall: Support is provided for iptables, Ubuntu operating system ufw, and fail2ban.
  • Load Balancing: Cloud Load Balancers are supported.

Third-party repositories

The Support team for Linux will, under reasonable endeavors and without warranty, configure repository access and install any packages
from the following list of supported repositories. Some of the following repositories are also mirrored locally to our data centers.

When packages from 3rd party vendors are installed, customers are responsible for vendor escalation,
patching, and updates.


The information contained in this document is a general introduction to the Rackspace Services and does not include any legal commitment on the part of Rackspace.

You should not rely solely on this document to decide whether to purchase the service. Rackspace detailed services descriptions and legal commitments are stated in its services agreements. Rackspace services’ features and benefits depend on system configuration and may require enabled hardware, software or additional services activation.

Except as set forth in Rackspace general terms and conditions, cloud terms of services and/or other agreements you sign with Rackspace, Rackspace assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to its services including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and no infringement.

Although part of the document explains how Rackspace services may work with third party products, the information contained in the document is not designed to work with all scenarios. Any use or changes to third party product and/or configurations should be made at the discretion of your administrators and subject to the applicable terms and conditions of such third party. Rackspace does not provide technical support for third party products, other than specified in your hosting services or other agreement you have with Rackspace and Rackspace accepts no responsibility for third-party products.

Rackspace cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. Rackspace® and other Rackspace marks are either registered service marks or service marks of Rackspace US, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks, service marks, images, products and brands remain the sole property of their respective holders and do not imply endorsement or sponsorship.