Known Issues and Suggested Workarounds for RBAC
This article describes known issues with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). We are diligently working to resolve these issues. If you're experiencing an issue that doesn't appear in this article, contact Rackspace Support.
Custom Role
Cloud Users

The Custom role enables you to assign access per-product. After a user is assigned the Custom role, the account owner cannot change this role to a multiproduct role (All Products or No Product Access).
Dedicated Users

For dedicated users there are two types of permissions such as direct and effective permissions. The User, User Group, or Group Membership can receive the required permissions by selecting None, View, Edit, or Admin under the direct permission column.
The account owner can simulate the Full Access role by assigning the user the Admin role for all available products. To simulate the Read-Only Access role, the account owner can assign the Observer role to the user for all available products.
Note: If you use this workaround, the Custom role doesn't automatically update when new Rackspace products become RBAC-enabled. The account owner must update Custom roles to include the new products.
You can also change the Custom role to a multiproduct role by contacting Rackspace Support.
Multiple Roles for One User
You can only assign multiple roles for one user by using the API. The Cloud Control Panel or the dedicated hosting displays only the first role that is assigned to users that have multiple roles.
You can view multiple roles that are associated with a user by using the API.
Suspended Accounts
When an account is suspended, all users of the account are disabled. Users aren't automatically re-enabled when the account is reactivated.
When the account is reactivated, the account owner must re-enable users by using the API or by contacting Rackspace Support.
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Updated over 1 year ago