Install and configure FTPS using FileZilla Server
Important: Disable the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) service because this article
uses the same ports as standard FTP. Go to Server Listeners and from the Protocol top-down menu select Require Explicit FTP over TLS and click OK.
FileZilla Server installation
Download the latest version of
FileZilla® Server
from -
Under Select the type of install, choose Standard and click Next.
This installs the Windows® service for FileZilla and the GUI for
administration. -
In Please choose the port, enter 10050.
Select Start Server after setup completes. Then click Next and
FileZilla Server configuration
Start the Administration interface and fill in the following fields:
- Host: Enter
, which is localhost. - Port: Enter
. - Password: Enter the server password.
- Host: Enter
To set up your server, go to Edit > Settings > General Settings and
select the following options:- Listen on these ports:
- Connections timeout:
- No Transfer timeout:
- Login timeout:
- Listen on these ports:
Under General Settings > Welcome message, you can set your own
customized welcome message when the users log in. Make sure to select Hide
the message in log because this might increase the log size. -
Under General Settings > IP Bindings, use an asterisk (*) to bind all
IP addresses on the local system. If your server has multiple IP addresses
assigned, provide only the IP that you want to use. -
Under General Settings > IP Filter, you can set up your IP Filters. To
have better control over security, ban all IP addresses and include the IP
address in the exclude list that you want to connect. Put a space between
each IP address. -
Under Settings > Passive mode settings, set up the port range
. -
Set up Settings > Security settings.
Under Settings > Miscellaneous, select:
- Don’t show passwords in message log
- Start minimized
Under Settings > Admin interface settings, enter
Port on which the admin interface should listen. -
Under Settings > Login, check the following options to see who connects to your
server and also to reduce space consumption:- Enable logging to file
- Limit log file size to 100 MB
- Delete old log files after 14 days
Under Settings > Speed limits, set the download and upload speed
limits. These limits are global settings, so they take over individual
user settings. -
Under Settings > FTP over TLS settings and check the option:
Enable FTP over TLS support (FTPS)
Note: You can configure a certificate, private key, and key password here.
Under Settings > Autoban, select the following option:
- Enable automatic bans
Click OK to save all the settings.
Before connecting, make sure ports
, and3000-4000
are allowed on
your firewall.
For additional information, refer to the FileZilla Server Knowledge Base:
Updated 7 months ago