DFS replication installation
Note: This article applies to Windows Server® versions 2008 and later.
What is DFSR?
You can use Distributed File System Replication (DFSR) to replicate data from DFS namespaces across a group of
servers called a replication group. This enables data to stay synchronized on multiple servers.
DFSR uses remote differential compression (RDC), which uses an algorithm to detect data changes in a file to
compress and replicate the changes, allowing for smaller and quicker transfers.
Note: The staging area quota must be as large as the 32
largest files in the replicated folder.
Use Active Directory.
Determine the primary server that holds the up-to-date files for initial replication.
Ensure that all servers must live in the same forest.
Install DFS replication on all replication group server members.
Verify that the anti-virus software allows replication and configure exceptions as needed.
Determine the files and folders that you want to replicate.
Installing DFS
This article describes two ways to install DFS: The Graphic User Interface (GUI) method
within the Server Manager and the PowerShell® method.
GUI method
Launch Server Manager.
Go to Manage > Add Roles and Features.
On Installation Type, select the default, Role-based or feature-based installation.
For Server Selection, select the server name.
Go to Server Roles > File and Storage Services > File and iSCSI Services and select DFS Replication.
Click Add Features in the pop-up window.
Click Next for the remaining windows.
Click Install on the Confirmation page.
PowerShell method
- Open a PowerShell session with elevated permissions and run one of the
following to suit your requirements:
Install the DFS role:
Install-WindowsFeature "FS-DFS-Replication"
Install the DFS Management console:
Install-WindowsFeature "RSAT-DFS-Mgmt-Con"
Install the DFS role and the DFS Management console at the same time:
Install-WindowsFeature "FS-DFS-Replication","RSAT-DFS-Mgmt-Con"
Updated about 1 year ago