Configure W3 Total Cache for WordPress with Rackspace Cloud Files
This tutorial shows the basic steps for setting up the W3 Total Cache plug-in to work with Rackspace Cloud Files. Cloud Files uses a push content delivery network (CDN), which automatically uploads the content from your primary web server and stores the data on Cloud Files. The benefits of a push CDN are more space on your local server's disk and scaling more servers without having to keep your user-generated content in sync.
Note: Push CDNs work better for sites that frequently experience surges in traffic that might require servers to scale up or down. If your site experiences consistently moderate to high levels of traffic, see Configure W3 Total Cache for WordPress with Rackspace CDN.
You need to have a WordPress website and database.
Install and configure W3 Total Cache
Log in to your WordPress blog as an administrator.
In the navigation sidebar, click Plugins > Add New.
In the Search box, enter W3 Total Cache.
In the search results, click Install Now in the W3 Total Cache box.
After the plug-in installs, the Install Now button changes to Activate.
Click Activate to enable the plug-in.
In the navigation sidebar, click Performance > General Settings.
In the CDN section, select the Enable check box, and choose Rackspace Cloud Files as the CDN type.
Click Save all settings.
Configure the CDN
In the WordPress navigation menu, click Performance > CDN.
In the Configuration section, click Authorize.
A pop-up box appears with guided steps to configure your CDN.
Enter your Rackspace cloud account username and API key, and then click Next.
Note: If you need help finding your API key, see View and reset your API key.
Select the region in which you want to host the files for your website, and then click Next.
Note: This should be the same region where your cloud resources are located.
Create a new Cloud Files container by entering a unique name that you will remember.
This name is primarily used to help you quickly identify the container in the Rackspace Cloud Control Panel.
Click Apply to save and apply your settings.
In the General section, select the check box next to each type of content that you want to host on the CDN, and then click Save all settings.
Updated over 1 year ago