Common Windows issues - Key Management Server activation
Problem: The Key Management Server (KMS) rejects periodic activation requests,
and the Microsoft® Windows® operating system shows as unlicensed.
Cause: The two leading causes of this issue are:
- Windows cannot locate the KMS.
- The server's clock differs from the KMS clock by more than four hours.
Use the steps in the following sections to resolve this issue.
Ensure that the Windows Server is configured to use the correct KMS server
Locate the appropriate KMS server in the following list:
Data center | KMS server |
ORD (Chicago) | |
DFW (Dallas) | |
IAD (Ashburn) | |
LON (London) | |
HKG (Hong Kong) | |
SYD (Sydney) | |
Log in to your cloud server as administrator by clicking
Start > All Programs > Accessories. Then, right-click Command
Prompt and select Run as Administrator. -
Confirm that you can ping the Rackspace KMS server by running the following command:
ping kms-server-from-table-above
Note: If there is a reply, continue to step 3. No reply means that there
is an interface, hardware, or routing issue. We recommend the following
article for help resolving the issue: Update ServiceNet routes on cloud
servers -
Set the KMS manually within the registry:
slmgr.vbs /skms
Request activation from the KMS:
slmgr.vbs /ato
Note: If you receive the error
0xC004F074 The Key Management Server (KMS) is unavailable
continue with the following steps to ensure the server clock synchronizes with the KMS clock. -
If the device does not activate, the server might be set to MAK activation instead of KMS activation.
To confirm the activation method set on the device, run the following command:
slmgr -dlv
Look for the Product Key Channel setting. Volume:GVLK means the device uses to KMS activation, Volume:MAK means the device uses to MAK activation.
The following images show sample outputs:
KMS activation output:
MAK activation output:
If your device uses MAK activation, then you should set the device back to KMS activation.
First, find and take note of the appropriate KMS client setup key from Microsoft: KMS Client Setup KeysTo find which server edition you are running, run the following command and look for the section labeled OS name:
systeminfo | findstr OS
PS C:\Users\Administrator> systeminfo | findstr OS OS Name: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter
Set the device to KMS activation by using the key found in the previously referenced article and entering the following command:
slmgr /ipk %key%
Replace %key% with the key from the Microsoft® document.
To activate the device, run the below command:
slmgr.vbs /ato
Ensure that the server clock synchronizes with the KMS clock
If the preceding step 1 returned the error 0xC004F074 The Key Management Server (KMS) is unavailable
, the time on the cloud server is drastically different than what is on the KMS.
At this point, you should configure the server to use a Network Time Protocol (NTP) time source by executing the appropriate command.
Data center Command ORD (Chicago) net stop w32time
DFW (Dallas) net stop w32time
IAD (Ashburn) net stop w32time
LON (London) net stop w32time
HKG (Hong Kong) net stop w32time
SYD (Sydney) net stop w32time
After the time synchronizes, attempt each of the following commands:
w32tm /resync slmgr.vbs /ato
You must open User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port 123 to allow the sync.
Make sure your firewall allows outbound connections to Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) port 1688.
Updated 5 days ago